Stochastic Intrusion Detection Game-Based Arrangement Using Controlled Markov Chain for Prevention of DoS and DDoS Attacks in Cloud

Stochastic Intrusion Detection Game-Based Arrangement Using Controlled Markov Chain for Prevention of DoS and DDoS Attacks in Cloud

Priti Narwal, Deepak Kumar, Shailendra Narayan Singh, Peeyush Tewari
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2021100104
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DoS (denial of service) assault is the most prevalent assault these days. It imposes a major risk to cybersecurity. At the point when this assault is propelled by numerous conveyed machines on a solitary server machine, it is called as a DDoS (distributed denial of service) assault. Additionally, DoS bypass on DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) server assault is a rising and famous assault in a system. The authors have proposed a stochastic intrusion detection game-based arrangement utilizing controlled Markov chain that figures the transition probabilities starting with one state then onto the next in a state transition diagram. At first, the authors have conjectured these assaults, and after that, they proposed a methodology that uses the idea of master and slave IPS (intrusion prevention system). This approach works well when mapped to these estimated assaults and accordingly helps in the recognition and counteractive action of these assaults in a cloud domain.
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DDoS assaults are an augmentation of DoS assault (Zlomislić et al., 2017) in which an assault on victim's legitimate machines is propelled by an attacker's various dispersed and controlled malevolent machines. The primary goal of this assault is to overcome from the DoS identification techniques (Zlomislić et al., 2017) and to trick the victim’s server machine that the system traffic is originating from legitimate machines and not from an attacker’s-controlled machines (Tripathi and Hubballi, 2015) (Zlomislić et al., 2017) called Botnets.

The DoS Bypass on DHCP server assault (Tripathi and Hubballi, 2015) is additionally a propelled type of these assaults which may happen in a system. In this assault, an attacker may attempt to dispatch a DDoS assault on a genuine DHCP server in a system. A DHCP server has the obligation to assign DHCP configuration to all the mentioning machines in a system. Henceforth, an assault on the server would cost every other machine that are communicating their solicitations for DHCP arrangement in a system (Tripathi and Hubballi, 2015) and gets vulnerable against this security risk.

Game-theory based arrangements assume a noteworthy job (Han et al., 2013) (Xu and Yu, 2014) in recognition and aversion of these assaults. The strategies of the both players in a game can be mapped as strategies taken by attackers and defenders engaged with a non-cooperative, zero-sum game (Kim, 2017). The branch of game-theory (Narwal and Kumar, 2016) is additionally extended to Stochastic games which are generally utilized for intrusion detection and prevention in case of network threats. These diversions are utilized to demonstrate the uncontrolled and obscure parameters looked in the security issues by utilizing likelihood hypothesis using probability. They can be played by calculating transition probabilities (Kim, 2017) based on attacker's every strategy to move from one node to another and each player would optimize their strategy depending on the present as well as future costs involved. Thus, Stochastic security games not only provide secure resource allocation and defensive measures against attacks (Nguyen et al., 2009) but they are also helpful in analyzing the behavior of rational attackers.

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