Specifics of the Assessment of the Market Value of Various Categories of Pigs on Farms in Serbia

Specifics of the Assessment of the Market Value of Various Categories of Pigs on Farms in Serbia

Jonel Subic, Marko Jelocnik, Zoran Njegovan
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/ijsem.2012100104
(Individual Articles)
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Business entities from the field of agriculture oriented to livestock production, in daily activities, during the decision making process, may find in situation that in relatively short period of time must assess the value of assets they have on disposal. Assessment can be very complex, like in the case of estimation of breeding herd value, considering that this is an assessment of the living (biological) organisms whose characteristics and value change during the period of use and nurture. On the example of pig farm Ramski rit Veliko Gradište, which is part of the Company Asprom doo. Vrcin, is described a possible method for quick and realistic assessment of the heads within all categories of pigs on the farm. According to data availability, for pigs was applied assessment method based on their (fair) market value, or method that determines amount of money based on what assets can change owner, where none of the interested parties are not forced and previously was introduced with all relevant facts of a potential sale.
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Introduction - Current State In Of Pig Breeding And Pork Meat Production In Serbia

Although Serbia possesses expressed tradition and favourable natural conditions for development of live stock breeding and meat production, this branch of agriculture for years is in a state of crisis. Decrease trend of total number of livestock was particularly unfavourable within the sector of pigs breeding, what caused relatively small oscillations in pork meat production (Table 1). Mentioned situation is primarily a consequence of disturbed price parities, reduction of export market, non-customs limitations on export of fresh meat and meat products, life standard decreasing, disturbed system of financing and support, broken supply chains, etc. (Jelocnik et al., 2012).

Table 1.
The total number of pigs and pork meat production in the Republic of Serbia
Pigs (000)3.6153.5873.5873.6343.4393.9993.8323.5943.6313.4893.640,7
Meat (000t)254277258242253255289266252269261,5

Source: Statistical yearbook for certain years, Statistical office of Republic of Serbia, Belgrade.

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