SO-AODV: A Secure and Optimized Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol Over AODV With Quality Assurance Metrics for Disaster Response Applications

SO-AODV: A Secure and Optimized Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol Over AODV With Quality Assurance Metrics for Disaster Response Applications

Karan Singh, Rajeev Gupta
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2021070106
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MANET has emerged as an eager field for supporting disaster response and prevention applications like climate and weather observation, tracking, tsunamis, wildfire and emergency rescue operations, underwater level navigation, etc. In this paper, a new ad-hoc routing protocol named SO-AODV (Secured and Optimized Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) is proposed for secured and optimized communication in any disaster like situations. For shortest route selection a technique called pigeons swarm optimization (PiSO) is used that also leads to minimize the hop count in selected optimal route. Lightweight digital watermarking (LDW) is used that ensures the authenticity of “hello” packets. For security of event messages, cyphertext stealing technique (CST) is used with encryption qu-Vanstone elliptic curve cryptography (qV-ECC) based public key cryptography. The qV-ECC generates public key. Experiments are conducted using NS2 and performance is evaluated and compared over AODV for several metrics (i.e., packet delivery ration, throughput, end-to-end delay, security, and hop count).
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Wireless networking is a process in which computers are communicating without any fixed wire support and following some specific rules called “protocols”. Wireless networking can be bifurcate in two ways:

  • Infrastructure Based Network: A network having centralized and fixed gateways.

  • Infrastructure-less or Ad-Hoc Network: A network without centralized gateways.

Here, term Ad hoc implies a system which can take diverse structures as far as topologies and in term of gadgets utilized. Specially appointed gadgets can be portable or mobile in nature, independent or any type of networked. A self-sufficient arrangement of versatile hosts which are allowed to move around haphazardly and compose themselves subjectively that’s why it is sometimes referred to as an infrastructure less network with the additional characteristics of mobility i.e. Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANETs) (Singh & Yadav, 2016). Mobile Ad-Hoc Network consists of three different technical words: (i) Mobile i.e., moving in nature, (ii) Ad-hoc means short-termed, (iii) Network i.e., collection of various nodes. The hubs/nodes in an Ad-hoc system can be of any network and internet supported devices (Singh & Gupta, 2019). Every hub taking part in the system works like switch/router as well as host and under this association the system should exchange packets among different hubs (see in Figure 1).

These types of networks are much needed in various situations like climate and weather observation, tracking, tsunamis, wildfire and emergency disaster rescue and prevention operations, underwater level navigation etc. Ad-hoc network is more suitable over traditional network because of its temporary establishment in hazardous like situation i.e. disaster, data communication at battle field etc. This type of network can setup quickly with minimum resources. Now days while technology is changing and advancing day by day these types of networks became much popular and important in data communication. Ad hoc network can solve many current problematic situations like flood, drought, fire in forest, tsunamis, underwater movements in oceans, emergency rescue operations, disaster prevention operations, weather forecasting, tracking of wild animals, traffic controlling and vehicle movement tracking and message passing on highways. Thus, these networks will be appropriate and usable for solving these types of situations.

While setting up a ad-hoc network it is suitable to choose on-demand based routing protocols like AODV (Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) because it is a routing protocol designed for such type of wireless and mobile ad-hoc networks where high node mobility, low control overhead and on-demand nature is needed. AODV establishes routes to destinations on demand and supports both unicast and multicast routing. While setting up ad-hoc network some parameters are more critical i.e. link establishment, optimal route selection, data transfer rate, successful data transmission rate at receiver, security issues, power consumption and utilization of available limited resources etc. So, in this type of setup shortest route selection between sources to destination is a critical and important part while message transmission in any movable communication. Data transmission through optimal route should secured, reliable and power aware, minimum energy consumption with minimum control overhead. Therefore, while data transmission in network the MANET’s protocols should aware about all these parameters (Singh & Gupta, 2019).

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