Similarity Retrieval Based on Image Background Analysis

Similarity Retrieval Based on Image Background Analysis

Chang Zhu, Wenchao Jiang, Weilin Zhou, Hong Xiao
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSCI.309426
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Aiming at the problem of traditional portrait background similarity retrieval methods being low accuracy and time-consuming, a similarity retrieval method based on image background analysis is presented. The proposed method uses a combination of portrait segmentation and retrieval models. Firstly, the portrait segmentation model is used to remove the portraits in the images to eliminate the interference of portraits on background features; secondly, the image retrieval model is used to retrieve images with similar background features; LSH is added to improve the retrieval efficiency; finally, the retrieval results are used to further determine whether the background is similar. The experiment is implemented based on real data from a company. The results showed that the average precision, average map, and recall of this method reached 85%, 90%, and 50%, respectively. The average accuracy and recall are 10% better than the overall image retrieval model.
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With the rapid development of science and technology, artificial intelligence industry has experienced rapid development for more than ten years. At present, China's AI technology is developing rapidly, and the country should set reasonable short-term goals for AI promotion policies, and start to pragmatically develop AI infrastructure from three aspects: improving the system, making up for the shortcomings and improving the regulation(Zhang Xin & Wang Ming hui, 2019). AI is applied to various industries, such as social and smart homes(Kar, 2022; Sharma et al., 2022). Machine learning, as a part of the theme of artificial intelligence, has brought significant changes to the industry and made a significant contribution to the detection of phishing websites(Almomani et al., 2022; Madhu et al., 2022). The image retrieval technology used in this paper is a part of machine learning. Existing image retrieval mainly focuses on the application of convolution neural networks in image representation and classification(Wei Mingzhu et al., 2021). Image retrieval has gone through two phases, manual and depth-based, with the goal of finding and querying images from database images that contain the same instance(Zhang Hao & Wu Jianxin, 2018). With the development of image retrieval technology, people require more and more efficient retrieval. Many image retrieval systems based on CNN have an insufficient expression of image features, lack accuracy and robustness(Wei Yun & Yan Zhengyi, 2021). Image retrieval based on in-depth learning extracts the overall image features by convolution neural network and retrieves the similarity of the overall image features, converts image features into corresponding feature vectors. which results in low accuracy and poor robustness of the retrieval results of human image background similarity.

Image retrieval technology mainly consists of several steps: input pictures, feature extraction, measurement learning, and reordering. Feature extraction is a crucial step to determine the accuracy and robustness of image retrieval, the content is to reduce the dimension of the image data, extract the discriminant information of the data, and reduce a picture to a vector. However, the feature extraction of the whole picture reduces the feature of the whole picture to a vector, which results in low accuracy and poor robustness in image background similarity retrieval. Background similarity retrieval of portraits based on background analysis can improve the accuracy of background similarity retrieval by dividing portraits into different parts and leaving background information during the feature extraction stage.

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