Security-Enabled Retransmission and Energy Conservation Architecture With Cluster-Based Multipath Routing in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

Security-Enabled Retransmission and Energy Conservation Architecture With Cluster-Based Multipath Routing in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

Asha G., Srivatsa S. K.
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.299951
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The primary requirements of a heterogeneous wireless network topology, adaptive and smart resource allocation to users, protocols for routing and lifetime enhancement, access to the network with security and appropriate network selections. Routing algorithms deliberate on the performance of the network to evenly distribute load and thus enhance the lifespan of individual nodes, clustering algorithm decides on allowing the right nodes into the network for enhanced security feature, and finally the ability to analyse, predict the context of individual nodes/sensors in the network. Architecture of the proposed network includes the parameters such as decision making ability to sustain the clusters, decision on members of the clusters until the communication process is completed, local network abilities and disabilities, price, preferences of individuals, terminal and access points of the service providers. Network lifetime of the entire network is observed to be enhanced up to 91% with triple layer architecture.
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Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks are independent, self-regulatory organisation of individual devices, which are distributed randomly and expected to render observations. Predominant findings state that the deployed devices are limited with energy sources, thus restricting the services for a longer duration. The availability of immediate, reliable network technology enabled multiple mobile users and other applications to render service for different processing. The futuristic cellular networks will be enabled with AI by facilitating the current networks with advanced features such as spectrum, interfaces, interactions, electromagnetism, coverages (Chen, et al., 2020). Predominant services of a heterogeneous network comprise of Wireless Fidelity, WiMAX, Short Range Communications, with a specific functionality applicable to different applications and users. Common parameters include the availability of service, capacity of the network, reliable connectivity, delay, jitter and expense required for service until the communication process is over (Heinzelman, et al., 2002; Felemban, et al., 2006; Adel & Ahmed, 2017). Such parameters can be ensured when a linked network is used for connectivity, in case of a wireless network, the availability and connectivity depends on the application, locality and users based on authentication. Dynamic property of a heterogeneous network adds complexity, difficulty in assuring quality parameters (Hou & Shi, 2004; Akyildiz et al., 2007). A wireless system composed of heterogeneous devices and applications impose multiple conditions for instability as the service is promised to simultaneous users at the same time. Energy management schemes induce additional responsibility from network service providers, to advocate longevity and performance of network participants, despite their individuality (Wang & Hong, 2019). The devices of heterogeneous nature are deployed typically with an assistance from topology controlling mechanisms, with a primary motive of reduced structural formation and hence optimized energy utilization (Hong, et al., 2017). Similarly, devices deployed in different regions demand diverse set of services from service providers in terms of observatory, multimedia, spatio-temporal information about the environment. This is an advancement from sensory nodes employed for performing a particular observation in a specific region, devices in the form of users or applications can utilize the collected information for their individual usage (Akyildiz, et al., 2008).

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