Scientific Aspects of the Indian Vedic Sciences and Their Effect on Stress

Scientific Aspects of the Indian Vedic Sciences and Their Effect on Stress

Rohit Rastogi, D.K. Chaturvedi, T. Rajeshwari, Neeti Tandon, Bhavna Singh, Sheelu Sagar, Mukund Rastogi, Akshit Rajan Rastogi, Neha Gupta, Vrinda Kohli, Luv Dhamija
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/ijrqeh.298633
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Indian Ancient Vedic Science, which has fascinated the world researchers, has become more relevant in the 21st century because of other global crises and threats. It has shown a powerful impact in all the areas of life, especially in curing physical and mental ailments. The various violent incidents in European countries and the USA have forced the world political, religious and science leaders to find alternative remedies. Mental fitness has been a great challenge. Yajna Science has multiple advantages and affirmative responses in this direction. The author's team presents this study that measures Vedic Mantra and Yajna Sciences' effect on stress, anxiety, and checks its impact in a worldwide depression-like scenario. The data analysis and visualizations have been done in python to show the different mental fitness angles, taking various demographic parameters into account.
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The various scientific aspects of Yajna Sciences have been propounded in the below section, and its multiple advantages have been displayed through different literature.

Therapeutic Form of Yagyopathy

Yagyopathy, as the name itself sounds like a therapeutic way, is a proven way of having a clean environment. This enormous psychic power leads to peace, contentment and prosperity. Among different forms of worship, Yajnais the most sorted way to achieve life aspects as boons of the divine.

Once it is understood why one should perform Yajna, its benefits make life easier and acceptable. Then how to perform becomes an easier task. As the “why Yajna”, gives a proven and acceptable formula, then “how” becomes an encouraging one. Humans visualize a clean environment with fresh air, healthy being, and prosperous living (Adhikari et al., 2020; Bhakti et al., 2009).

Figure 1.

Researchers and Participants Performing Yajna in Different Parts of Globe


Yajna and Environment

The rights of Yajna were an everyday observance in the India of yore. Yajna was instituted as the performance of Dharma (duty) in each household, twice a day. Through thousands of years, the tradition of Yajna/Homam/Agnihotra was carried on regularly to purify the environment and bring forth nourishing rainfall that brought forth the glory of greenery and happiness of good health to all forms of life (Cascella et al., 2020; Shree Gulabkunverba Ayurvedic Society, 1949a; Shree Gulabkunverba Ayurvedic Society, 1949b; Shree Gulabkunverba Ayurvedic Society, 1949c).

Effect of Yajna With Different Woods

The chemical formula of salt is NaCl, and when the temperature in the fire is above 250 degrees centigrade, sodium breaks down to form oxides. And chlorine breaks down and releases chlorine gas into the atmosphere, which is a toxic gas. If salt is put into the Υajna or sacrificed with salty things, there will be poisonous gas. That is why Yajna is prohibited with a salty item or salt. Likewise, it is forbidden to perform Yajna on Neem wood because it releases chlorine in small amounts when neem wood burns. That is why sacrificial fire with neem wood also negatively affects the skin (Debnath et al., 2012) (Fig. 2).

Figure 2.

Ultimate analysis of Mango Wood



Yajna Science: Connectivity of Humans and the Deities/ Divinity With Yajna

Yajna means sacrifice, usually in the sense of ritual fire worship ceremony in which negative Karmas can be consumed by giving oblations (Ahutis) with clarified butter or certain medicinal herbs, along with Vedic mantras (chanting of mystic sound syllables repeatedly) and offering oblations with swaha (surrendering to supreme). Vibrations produced by mantras during Yajna penetrate the energy sphere at the subtle and cosmic level. Vedic Mantras' chanting latently contains the torrent's essential sound of life-sustaining energies emanating from the cosmic energy centers (Chaudhary et al., 2010).

Oxygen will undoubtedly be absorbed whenever anything is burnt, and carbon will be emitted. But there are vast differences in carbon emitted by garbage burning and carbon emission from burning fragrant (Ratna et al., 2010).

Smoke and poisonous gases emitted by burning garbage can be reversed back by the fumes produced by aromatic herbs offered in the Yajna as oblations (Ahutis). The carbon emitted during Yajna, through aromatic herbs is in a minimal amount that is considered necessary to activate specific neurons in the system. Apart from the herbs offered in the fire, which produces qualified environmental friendly gases, Creosote, Phenols, Acetylene, Aldehyde, and Ozone also assimilate in this. Even if a poisonous substance is emitted in a little quantity, it is immediately evaporated with the oblations given by clarified butter (Ghee)(Debnath et al., 2012; Dornala et al., 2012).

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