Scaffolding Argumentation in Asynchronous Online Discussion: Using Students' Perceptions to Refine a Design Framework

Scaffolding Argumentation in Asynchronous Online Discussion: Using Students' Perceptions to Refine a Design Framework

Hyun Song Kim, Eunjung Grace Oh
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/IJOPCD.2018040103
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Despite its wide usage and pedagogical benefits, asynchronous online discussion in higher education courses does not necessarily lead to students' knowledge-constructing discourse and reflective learning. Integrating argumentation into online discussion can facilitate meaningful learning. In this article, the authors present a framework of Scaffolded Online Dialogic Argumentation (SODA) that they created for designing an asynchronous online discussion. Based on the design framework, the authors developed and implemented an argumentation activity in a graduate-level online course. They then examined participants' perceptions of the pedagogical components of SODA using a qualitative inquiry approach. Findings indicate that students perceive a positive influence of the scaffolded argumentation activity on their learning engagement in online discussion. Implications include suggestions for researchers and practitioners in refining and using SODA for future research and discussion activity design.
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Literature Review

This section presents findings drawn from the authors’ literature review on scaffolding argumentation in asynchronous online discussions in higher education contexts.

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