A Review for the Validation of Social Simulation on Artificial Social Organization

A Review for the Validation of Social Simulation on Artificial Social Organization

Jiang Wu, Hou Zhu, Menglin Yin, Xin Luo
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/jats.2012040102
(Individual Articles)
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Social simulation on artificial social organization, which uses computer simulation to construct artificial society to research social organization, has been becoming popular. Validation of simulation can improve the accuracy, credibility and applicability in the modeling and simulation, and is the key step to apply social organizational model. In this paper, the current research of simulation validation is reviewed, the category of social simulation is defined, and philosophical perspective of simulation validation is analyzed. Implementations of simulation validation in various models, including framework, level, type and technology, are introduced as well. Then, the validation in social simulation, including features, existing problems, framework and techniques, is analyzed in particular. Finally, the further work for the simulation validation is announced.
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2. Basic Concepts Of Simulation Validation

In the theory of simulation validation, VV & A is a specialized vocabulary widely accepted, representing the Verification, Validation, Accreditation respectively. These terms are easily confused. Sargent (2004), referring to the definition given by the IEEE and the U.S. Department of Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO), defined the VV & A:

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