Resilience and Psychomotricity: Strategies of Action in Preschool Education

Resilience and Psychomotricity: Strategies of Action in Preschool Education

Maria de Lourdes Cró, Ana Mafalda Castro Pinho
DOI: 10.4018/IJPHIM.2016070103
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With this article the authors would like to deepen the resilience and psychomotricity as action strategies in preschool education. They analyse too the importance of resilience and psychomotricity and their impact in the learning of disadvantaged children at a preschool age that are exposed to adverse social and personal factors and to assess the efficiency of an intervention program based in psychomotricity and resilience together. The authors developed a project in a region of Brazil (Botucatu), where a Psychological Development Activation Model was used with psychomotricity exercises and also the Programme Strong Start Pre K, in the area of resilience. The assessment instruments used were the WeBeST test for resilience and the Operational Portage Inventory test for Psychomotricity. The results indicate that there was an evolution in resilience among children in the group that participate in this program. They improved the resilience capacity, dealing with problems and controlling the emotions.
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Resilience: Different Approaches

The term resilience is not a fixed attitude that changes according to the stage of life and circumstances, type of trauma and how a person experiences it as well as the historical-cultural factors (Hensius, 2010). It is a dynamic process, a symbiosis between the individual’s inside and outside, in a social context, resulting from the interaction of various micro-systems (family, school, friends) and macro-systems (community, beliefs, ideologies, values and customs, means of communication, economic situation and educational system), from the perspective of the bio ecological Human Development Model by Bronfenbrenner (1998). Resilience leads to a metamorphosis of the individual, who learns through experiences lived and draws life lessons for life.

According to Boyd (2011), resilience is the opposite of vulnerability. Resilience refers to a set of factors that the child has (or its environment) that offer some protection against the effects of vulnerabilities, which means that a highly vulnerable child integrated in a poor or unfavorable environment can produce more adverse effects. However, an integrated resilient child in a poor environment can have good performance, since it is given the possibility to discover and enjoy many stimulating opportunities. In the case of a vulnerable child, surrounded by a good environment, can also have good performance, especially when child is helped to deal with their vulnerabilities.

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