Reservation System for Cloud Computing Resources (RSCC): Immediate Reservation of the Computing Mechanism

Reservation System for Cloud Computing Resources (RSCC): Immediate Reservation of the Computing Mechanism

Ashish Tiwari, Ritu Garg
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/IJCAC.311502
(Individual Articles)
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The pay-and-use approach is the basis for the cloud computing services that are currently popular. Resource management is one of the more difficult tasks since it takes a while to identify requests and determine what kind of resources are needed to satisfy the customer's needs. Resource provisioning's goal is to identify and make available the right resources depending on user workload's QoS needs so that applications may make efficient use of the resources. The CSPs now offer advanced resource reserves for both short- and long-term periods. Cloud brokers are required to manage the on-demand cloud resource and maintain track of the SLA list of resource providers for their individual cloud customers in our suggested algorithm RSCC (Reservation System for Cloud Computing). According to the user's needs and cost, the RSCC algorithm functions as a flexible reservation that can accommodate a variety of services. The numerical findings demonstrated that the suggested long-term resource planning method was able to produce operational costs that were almost ideal.
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Now a day’s most of the countries are working rapidly for the development of computing services. The common way which is to be used in most of the research is that the cloud resources are taken on a rent basis by the providers on the requirement of services on the suitable cost. According to a recently published survey report, organizations run 53% of their workload in the cloud, and 50% of data from organizations is stored in the cloud (Garg, 2020). It is predicted that by 2025, 80% of organizations will be migrated to the cloud. According to the prediction (Garg, 2020), in 2021, the total spending on public cloud services will be $304.9 billion which is 18.4% more than 2020 (Yadav, 2022). However, the challenges to RP include dispersion, uncertainty and heterogeneity of resources, dynamic changes in the workload, etc. that are not resolved with traditional RP approaches in cloud environment. So, there is a requirement of a optimizing the RP that handles the performance, management, heterogeneity of cloud (Garg, 2013). Moreover, resource under provisioning may lead to violation of SLA of users request and resource over provisioning increase the economic cost. Hence there is a requirement of optimizing the resource provisioning. The environment of cloud computing focusing through structure which is based on resource management system. The CSPs pursue to assure SLAs which is agreed by end users. The SLAs is done in advance between CSPs and end users. There is lot of scope in SLAs parameters like availability of services, performance of service, resource security and privacy, problem resolution, change management and dispute mediation. The services are provided by the cloud service providers on the sort-term period and long-term period. Based on some previous knowledge the end users can take their own decisions that whether they have to do the reservation of services on an advanced basis.

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