Research on Wireless Network Transmission and Building Information Model Technologies

Research on Wireless Network Transmission and Building Information Model Technologies

Feng Qiao
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/IJISMD.347218
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In the construction management, it is possible to transmit large amounts of information in real-time during manufacturing, which can aid in the organization and administration of building materials. Through sampling survey and sand table simulation, the management of building materials based on BIM (Building Information Model) is compared with the traditional management method and the management method combining BIM with wireless network communication, so as to better understand the management method for building materials. This study evaluates the purchase, storage and quality of materials during the construction stage, and the differences in material management between different technical methods at different stages of the project development. According to the results, the average inventory turnover rate of the BIM-based management approach is six times higher than that of conventional management method, while the latter is four times higher. On the other hand, combining BIM with wireless network communication can produce better effects.
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Literature Review

In the context of Chinese construction, Stober and Raguz-Lucic (2024) came up with an integrated management model for building projects. The goal of facility operation and maintenance is to save energy, increase the building's lifespan, improve the satisfaction of facility users, and reduce the structure's operating expenses. This means that all the information about the facility needs to be gathered and kept in one place (Cepa et al., 2023). Home decorating design tools can help domestic clothing companies better compete in the construction of economies of scale by utilizing BIM technology's advantages in the market. The theory is that a BIM-based design system can overcome the problems of suitable design techniques and centralized control of corporate resources which have plagued the traditional design sector of decoration (Omrany et al., 2023).

BIM technology has been recognized as a strategic tool for architects, engineers, constructors, and real estate asset managers to optimize the design, construction, management, operation, maintenance, and use of buildings. Wang et al. (2024) emphasize the importance of evaluating the benefits of BIM beyond just ROI, considering intangible benefits and indirect costs. Yu et al. (2024) propose a BIM-based facility maintenance management system for maintenance staff during the operation and maintenance phase. Cespedes-Cubides and Jradi (2024) highlight the need for cloud-based BIM technology to manage building sustainability using big data, aiming to enhance environmental sustainability over building life cycles. Hauer et al. (2024) identify three stages where project performance can be improved using BIM: pre-construction, construction, and maintenance and operation phases. Rajasoundaran et al. (2024) suggest the application of BIM technology in tunnel engineering in China, focusing on design optimization, construction standards, and operation maintenance. Piras et al. (2024) review recent publications on BIM-enabled facilities operation and maintenance, emphasizing the potential of BIM to transform O&M by providing a digitalized 3D environment for facility managers. Devasenapathy et al. (2024) introduce the development of a bridge management system based on BIM technology, leveraging its visualization and informatization capabilities. Yap et al. (2024) propose a BIM-LCA approach to estimate greenhouse gas emissions of large-scale public buildings, highlighting the importance of the operation and maintenance stage in reducing GGE throughout the building's life cycle. Bellini et al. (2024) advocate for the establishment and application of an intelligent city building information model based on BIM technology, emphasizing its suitability for intelligent management in construction projects in the context of smart cities.

Keeping their design resources up to date helps clothing companies to establish long-term intangible assets that help domestic fashion design and decoration organizations compete in today's global marketplace (Sakr & Sadhu, 2023). It is now possible to design a 3D interior utilizing BIM technology. However, current research does not contain anything practical and relevant (Chen et al., 2023). Construction projects have been changed by BIM technology, and it is now being used by 25 people, according to the Building Intelligence Alliance of America (Tan et al., 2023). The construction management sector is the best technology for promoting BIM, according to architects, owners, contractors, property management companies, and construction monitoring organizations (Tan.Y et al., 2023). An alternative suggestion is to create a new BIM technology consulting firm that would integrate traditional technology innovation with a contemporary approach to social development while also expanding the scope of the existing supervision company's operation. There is no existing study on this topic. Hence, this study focuses on analyzing BIM technology in building operation and maintenance (Datta et al., 2023).

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