Research on Singular Value Decomposition Recommendation Algorithm Based on Data Filling

Research on Singular Value Decomposition Recommendation Algorithm Based on Data Filling

Yarong Liu, Feiyang Huang, Xiaolan Xie, Haibin Huang
DOI: 10.4018/IJITSA.320222
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In the era of big data, the problem of information overload has become increasingly prominent. Recommendation systems are widely studied due to the problem. Due to the sparseness of data, the recommendation effect is not always ideal. To alleviate the problem of data sparsity, a singular value decomposition recommendation algorithm based on data filling is proposed. First, an improved Tanimoto similarity coefficient calculation method is proposed to calculate the similarity, and effective interpolation data is generated for the singular value decomposition model according to the proposed prediction formula. The experimental results show that when using the same dataset MovieLens100K, compared with several commonly used recommendation algorithms, the improved algorithm improves the prediction accuracy of the model, In the best case, RMSE is 10.1% lower than KNNBasic, 7.8% lower than Slope One algorithm, 6.9% lower than SVD algorithm, and 4.8% lower than SVD++ algorithm, verifying that this method can improve the recommendation quality.
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2.1 Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Method

CF algorithm is divided into the model-based and the neighbor-based. The model-based CF refers to the SVD method (Al-Sabaawi, A. M. A., Karacan, H., & Yenice, Y. E., 2021). The neighbor-based refers to generating a recommendation list for a user based on the preferences of nearby users. Various similarity measurement techniques are used in the CF algorithm to calculate the similarity between items and between users. Most of these methods use co-scoring to calculate the similarity. One of the similarity measurement methods is Tanimoto similarity, which ignores the absolute value of the score and the average score of the user (Zhang, Qin. et al., 2019), and uses the ratio of the intersection and the union of the number of scores to measure the similarity. The neighbor-based CF predicts the score of the target object through the scores of other objects similar to the target object (Yuan, X. F. et al., 2019), which is a commonly used method for predicting missing values. The neighbor-based CF first calculates the similar users of the target user through the traditional similarity calculation formula, and then performs the score prediction of missing values.

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