Research on Library Resource Management Based on Modern Information Technology and Reconfigurable Mobile Information System

Research on Library Resource Management Based on Modern Information Technology and Reconfigurable Mobile Information System

Fengbin Zhang
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/JCIT.349134
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Library resource library management based on modern information technology and reconfigurable mobile information systems have attracted much attention from researchers of academia. This paper introduces the LSTM model into the field of Chinese library resource management, and tries to propose a classification system with practical application value. The main research work:The Chinese library resource is designed LSTM model, and three experiments are designed on this basis: the coarse-grained book single classification experiment, different measures on the classification results; the fine-grained book single classification experiment, to compare The advantages and disadvantages of direct classification and layer-by-layer classification; coarse-grained book multi-classification experiments to explore the feasibility of multi-classification. After analyzing the experimental results, the model has achieved a good classification effect, and overcomes some deficiencies in the library resource library predecessors, and has a strong practical application value.
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Literature Review

The integration of modern information technology and reconfigurable mobile information systems in library-resource management is crucial for enhancing efficiency and user experience. McMullen (2012) emphasizes the importance of adequate staffing to maintain library technologies, especially in the deployment of electronic resource management systems. Chalukya (2015) highlights the adoption of mobile applications and wireless technology as powerful solutions for mobile libraries, indicating a shift toward innovative library services. Wang (2018) delves into the reader service innovation mode of libraries in the internet+ era, suggesting a shift toward more user-centric services. Bonders and Slihte (2018) focus on developing practical knowledge and technology approaches, such as the Information Technology Infrastructure Library, to effectively build and manage IT infrastructure in libraries. Dong (2020) proposes a management idea for book resource sharing in mobile bookstores, emphasizing the implementation of a library resource sharing platform based on a grid system. Wang et al. (2021) discuss the construction of a digital resource system for smart libraries based on computer networks and artificial intelligence, highlighting the importance of leveraging technology for efficient resource management. Andrukhiv et al. (2021) investigate the implementation of web-oriented services in university libraries to modernize their operations, improve user experience, and facilitate access to information resources. Li et al. (2021) present a comparative study on the application of attention mechanisms in enhancing the accuracy of library-resource classification. They investigate how different attention-based models, including self-attention, additive attention, and scaled dot-product attention, can improve the performance of traditional machine-learning algorithms when classifying library resources according to the Library of Congress Classification system. Both Li et al. (2021) and Zhang and Li (2022) contribute to the advancement of automated library resource management techniques by leveraging cutting-edge neural network architectures. While Li et al. focus on enhancing library-resource classification through attention mechanisms, Zhang and Li explore the application of BERT for automatic subject indexing. Shi et al. (2023) present an intelligent system design for storage materials in automatic stereo warehouses, utilizing modern logistics technology and information technology to enhance resource sharing and management in libraries. Overall, the literature suggests that leveraging modern information technology and reconfigurable mobile information systems is essential for optimizing library-resource management and enhancing user services in the digital age.

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