Reactive Hybrid Model for Fault Mitigation in Real-Time Cloud Computing

Reactive Hybrid Model for Fault Mitigation in Real-Time Cloud Computing

Festus Adeyinka Osuolale
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/IJCAC.295240
(Individual Articles)
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The Fourth Industrial Revolution is driven by cloud computing for increased productivity and efficiency. Despite the influence of cost-effectiveness, on-demand service and scalability, cloud computing is faced with many challenges such as security, performance, and fault tolerance. This research proposes a reactive mitigation model using checkpointing and replication techniques to overcome the challenges. The developed model has four layers: client/user, controller, fault tolerance (hybrid) and virtual machines layers. The functionalities of the developed model were compared to existing system using the same simulation conditions. The results showed a relative improvement over the existing system in terms of response time and computational cost and the developed system is able to react to faults by transferring requests to stable VMs and resume task execution at the last checkpoint. The developed model proved to work efficiently under various simulation conditions.
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Materials And Methods

With high demand for cloud services and resources by users who migrated to the cloud for high level of productivity, cloud computing systems have experienced an increase in outages or failures particularly in real-time cloud computing. However, researchers have applied different fault tolerant techniques to mitigate the effect of failure. Some of these researches are not without their limitations.

Paul and Visuwasum (2012), worked on the research titled “Checkpoint-based Intelligent Fault Tolerance for Cloud Service Providers.” The research was motivated by the need to achieve reliability for real time computing on Cloud Infrastructure. The research objective was to propose a smart checkpoint infrastructure for virtualized service provider and fault tolerance model for real time computing. In the methodology, checkpoints are stored in Hadoop distributed files system as it allows fast resumption of task execution after a node crash. The method also improves fault tolerance since the checkpoints were distributed and replicated in all the nodes of the service provider. However, the research failed to consider the any form of check point overheads. That is the cost, time, and frequency of replicating checkpoints in all the nodes of the service provider.

In the work of Kalanirnika and Sivagami (2015), ‘Fault tolerance in cloud using proactive and reactive techniques’, the research was motivated by the need to provide a more reliable cloud computing system. The researchers proposed a reactive fault tolerance technique that uses check pointing to tolerate faults. The methodology involved using VM-µ a virtual machine framework to tolerate transient errors.

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