Problems and Prospects of Organizational Resilience: A Conceptual Discussion

Problems and Prospects of Organizational Resilience: A Conceptual Discussion

José G. Vargas-Hernández, Muhammad Mahboob Ali
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/IJSEM.2021100105
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The aim of this paper is to analyze organizational resilience from the different studies with real-life exposures to gather knowledge to protect organizations against disturbances, disruptions, and disasters such as risk and crisis management, and continuity management to assess problems and prospects. COVID- 19 created a tough situation for organizational resilience all over the globe. The method employed is the conceptual view, which reflects on theoretical, empirical literature reviews and case studies depicted in an integrated manner. The Sustainable Development Goals are also related to organizational resiliencies. The authors argued that organizational resilience of management performance is linked to organizational levels and offering diversified solutions under risk and uncertainty for which appropriate decision-making criteria is needed.
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Organizational resilience is requiring for achieving competencies of an organization with long term sustainability. The notion of resilience is still facing dissent about definitions, concepts, contexts, and organizational and managerial implications. Nelson (2021) commented that companies’ growth hindrances may possesses strategically rises to the systematic level of risks with long run not sustainability. Measures of resilience are goal-directed solutions (Mallak, 1998). Industrial policy of a country is highly correlated to organizational resilience as it relates to occupations, progress of the economy, sustainability. Organizational leaders must be committed to a sustained focus on organizational resilience. Despite that there have not been developed the conceptual framework, models, mechanisms, and measurement, all managerial topics, issues, concerns, and problems are related and combined to organizational resiliencies such as organizational structure, culture, social capital, psychological safety, socio-interculturalism, collective mind, supply chain, etc.

Organizational resilience integrates management systems (Foster, & Dye, 2005). The different organizational resilience perspectives are supported by different ontologies and methodologies that result in a promising conceptual tool to encompass the diverse organizational management practices (Linnenluecke,2017). Resilience at the organizational level has emerged from the different fields to protect organizations against disruption and disasters such as risk management (Louisot, 2015), organizational continuity management, crisis management, emergency management, physical and cyber security (Braes,& Brooks, 2010, 2011; Gibson & Tarrant, 2010).Ali(2011) described that Bangladesh has a farming based economy with bulk of populace living in rural communities where earnings per household is small with extremely small chance for saving. Alessa et al. (2021) argued that in Saudi Arabia deadly disease unenthusiastically impacted business yield and earnings, forcing many businesses to physically close permanently. They also found that female entrepreneurs do not perceive a change in consumer behavior compared to pre-COVID-19 times.

There may be a negative impact on employees' efficiency to conduct work. However, due to COVID-19, organizational resilience is the most important factor which played vital role in the economy. Rai, Rai, & Singh (2020) described that building organizational resilience is a way to maintain the social and economic sustainability structure in terms of the development of society, the welfare of the manpower social security, resource conservation and environmental protection, while maintaining the profitability and cost structure of the firm. Criteria for Decision-Making under risk and uncertainty also affects organizational resilience of a country. The government of Bangladesh has been trying to create smart cities of the country so that companies’ sustainability in the long run can be attained.

Organizational resilience can be considered an umbrella concept challenged by validity and requiring a measurement construct, where the value lies in being useful in economics and management of organizations. Different disciplines influence the conceptual analysis of organizational resilience to be applied in research, which results in on ontological approach to a transdisciplinary perspective. All these disciplines contribute to the concept of organizational resilience to be applied in management and business despite there are critical issues and limitations.

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