Prioritization of Human Resource Development Criteria on Success Indicators in Building Projects

Prioritization of Human Resource Development Criteria on Success Indicators in Building Projects

Mohammad Javad Abdolahi, Behnod Barmayehvar, Taimoor Marjani, Reza Esmaeilabadi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.333059
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In terms of purpose, this research is an applied one; and in terms of method, it is a survey one. Given that project success is general, this study attempts to assess key success indicators in building projects through reviewing the related articles and expert interviews, and then identify them by reviewing the related articles and expert opinions on project human resource development criteria. In order for a more accurate evaluation, a separate questionnaire was drawn up for each success indicator, and the developmental impacts were prioritized based on the project success indicators. The first questionnaire was distributed among 52 specialists and the second one among 47 specialists. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS software. Six key success indicators in building projects were obtained from the results and the data analysis showed that human resource development played a positive role in all key success indicators; each criterion, however, had a different level of impact on the indicators.
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1. Introduction

Human resources are people in work organizations who map out general goals and priorities, plan job processes, manufacture goods and services, track efficiency, allocate financial resources, and sell products and services (Bratton et al., 2017) Human resources are among an organization's most important resources and are vital to its success, as competition between organizations to attract efficient human resources has become fierce (Tërstena et al., 2020; Obeidat et al., 2018). Human resources are a key component in all organizations, as the better the human resource performance, the better the organization's overall performance. Therefore, an organization must have good employees to complete the required tasks (Andry et al., 2020). Human resource activities improve the success of the organization. This suggests that if organizations are to grow their entrepreneurial activities, they will give priority to HR departments and promote their practices. Efficient workplace planning allows a company to recognize and prepare how existing and future workplace issues and goals are tackled (Al-Qudah et al., 2020). The most important challenge of project resource management is human resource management. Human resources greatly influence the cost and time of the project. The shortages of human resources gradually increases time and cost the project (Karthick, et al., 2020).

Given the crucial role of human resources, the aim of this article is to examine the role of HRD in the success of building projects. The role and importance of the human resource is more widely understood nowadays, hence there has been a lot of research on manpower performance in the construction industry over the last decade. However, since the construction industry including all construction projects such as those for the construction of dams, motorways, airports, refineries, etc. is expanding, each of these projects has different requirements. Therefore, this study focuses exclusively on building projects in the construction industry to obtain results that are more accurate.

Abhishek stated that construction industry makes a significant contribution to the national economy and provides employment to large number of people. Human resource management plays an important role in the process of project management. Human Resource Management can be done at International construction as well as at the project level (Abhishek A. et al.2017).

Given the complexity and vastness of building projects, success cannot be achieved without developing an appropriate method for planning and developing project labor force. In today's highly competitive world, one of the key elements of success is to increase productivity. Therefore, as the labor force develops and productivity improves, the success rate can be increased (Yeganeh, 2007). According to research, training and development of human resources is one of the most important aspects of human resource management, but it is often overlooked as a trivial activity at many organizations. By defining competence requirements and staff development in a team environment through training, construction companies can ensure that their employees have the skills needed to deal with the complex and challenging construction industry (Awad, 2015). A.Satish made a study on evaluation of human resource management. He made a Questionnaire survey from the employees of different construction companies of different levels and it is analyzed with the AHP Model. His findings revealed that Cost is majorly considered by the employees in construction

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