Past, Future and Presents: Meeting New Online Challenges with Primal Marketing Solutions

Past, Future and Presents: Meeting New Online Challenges with Primal Marketing Solutions

Ruth Gannon Cook, Kathryn Ley
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/IJTEM.2015070102
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This study approaches educational marketing from the perspective of the customers, the students. Instructors and instructional designers have designed online learning using a process that revolves around delivery. The process addresses meeting the needs of administrators and aligns well with the growing demands of the educational marketplace. But the growing failure of students to successfully complete online courses warrants further exploration than simply adding more interactivities or instructor interaction. The authors pose that advertising and marketing have addressed complex consumer relationships for almost a century and have created long term successful customer relationships which could provide insights to help with higher education student retention issues. A look at design development research and marketing semiotics could provide greater understanding and student involvement to help marketing semiotics provide a deeper understanding of the importance of inclusion of students' life experiences and cultural histories.
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Reviewing What Works In Consumer Marketing

Almost a century ago the original “Mad Men” promoters wanted to sell their products and so they created the beginnings of what would become marketing and consumer advertising. Ad agencies began to spring up in major cities around the world and product advertising began to wend its way into the psyche of consumers the world over. Since then every major company has relied upon advertising to make their products known and purchased.

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