Parameters Describing Student Learning Environments Through Experiential Learning Technologies for Entrepreneurial Creativity: A Study From a B School

Parameters Describing Student Learning Environments Through Experiential Learning Technologies for Entrepreneurial Creativity: A Study From a B School

Dara Vijaya Lakshmi, Saradha M., R. Karthik, Sandeep Kumar M., J. Chinna Babu, Lucia Vilcekova
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/JCIT.323184
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The proposed explorative study utilizes the partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) for the testing of the auxiliary relationship lies in the factors focusing on the respondent's pioneering aim. This study examines student's learning desire in entrepreneurship, the value addition on student, impact on the student career path from employment to ownership, the impact on society, and the state-of-the-art practices for training thereby getting the suitable aptitudes and related information. This assists the communities to change their focus from employment to entrepreneurship. Hence, creating enterprises encompassing personality enrichment and better insights through training will promote significant benefits to the growing society.
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Literature Review

Business improvement or innovative activity in the greater part of the cases is solicited. Or it is essentially the consequence of entrepreneurs’ aim or decision to seek after a pioneering vocation accordingly to recognized chances. The hypothetical base for this examination intensely depends on the hypothesis of arranged conduct proposed by the authors (Drennan et al., 2005). As indicated by Drost (2010), the more grounded the aim, the more probable the activity. Regardless, such a pioneering goal relies upon the general assessment of value and results of an innovative drive on specific chances. In assessment, calculative dangers and gains are essential, whereas enterprising training can assume an extremely crucial step (Farashah, 2013). Instruction expands the possibility of finding new chances and makes innovative activities more plausible (Ajzen, 1991). Innovative training gets ready people giving vital faculties and capabilities to set up claim business ventures. It urges individuals to acknowledge the torment of pioneering a vocation for accomplishment in everyday life. Bhandari (2021) mentioned enhancing student communication skills, and D’Alessio (2019) gave an explanation of critical thinking and leadership qualities that support entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, it does not deny the way the achievement and disappointment of business enterprises rely upon external components (Ajzen, 2012; Dickson et al., 2008). Christopoulos (2016) mentioned that higher education institutions should design a curriculum with a participatory learning approach to encourage entrepreneurship.

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