Open Government: The Line between Privacy and Transparency

Open Government: The Line between Privacy and Transparency

Maryam Al-Jamal, Emad Abu-Shanab
DOI: 10.4018/IJPADA.2018040106
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This article takes a deeper look into the related concepts and issues of open government, its benefits and challenges and some related processes. Also, this article tries to identify the line between government transparency and people's privacy under the open government initiatives, by exploring transparency and privacy in more details. Finally, the authors propose a framework that depicts the premise related to this topic.
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2. Literature Review

With the new emerging technologies and ICT tools, the concept of open data was introduced. Open data as a concept has the same objectives of other open initiatives like open source software and open access. The following sections will explore the literature related to open government data and to other related issues such as privacy and transparency.

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