Multiple Quantum Spaces Based Genetic Coding Method

Multiple Quantum Spaces Based Genetic Coding Method

Tao Gao
DOI: 10.4018/ijapuc.2014040104
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Quantum genetic coding method plays an important role in improving the efficiency of optimization algorithm. The existing quantum genetic algorithm has some defects, that quantum encoding scheme is tend to reduce the stability, so that the algorithm is prone to premature convergence and falls into local minima. Therefore, the chain of multiple genes encoding scheme is used to extend in the multi-dimensional space for improving this algorithm. By function extremum and simulation of neural network weights optimization, according to the characteristics of qubits and the normalization condition, double and triple chain binding coding schemes are proposed. By experiments on multiple genes encoding scheme chain, the performance of the algorithm is tested. It shows that the algorithm can get better results by increasing the higher accuracy of solution chain genes. It is an effective strategy to improve the performance of genetic coding.
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2. Encoding Scheme

Quantum coding are generally used Q-bit probability amplitude ijapuc.2014040104.m01 to encode chromosomes, which ijapuc.2014040104.m02, qubit can be in a state ijapuc.2014040104.m03 orijapuc.2014040104.m04, gene locus state, they can also be in a superposition state, genetic bits of information can be stored and expression by qubits. Due to the gradual approximation to the state and gradual approaching to the state, it makes the quantum state of a particular chromosome to move closer, which induces the algorithm gradually with stability. Specific coding scheme is as follows:


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