A Model to Increase the Efficiency of a Competence-Based Collaborative Network

A Model to Increase the Efficiency of a Competence-Based Collaborative Network

Ilaria Baffo, Giuseppe Confessore
Copyright: © 2010 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/jiit.2010100902
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This article provides a model based on the Multi Agent System (MAS) paradigm that acts as a methodological basis for evaluating the dynamics in a collaborative environment. The model dynamics is strictly driven by the competence concept. In the provided MAS, the agents represent the actors operating on a given area. In particular, the proposed agents are composed of three distinct typologies: (i) the territorial agent, (ii) the enterprise agent, and (iii) the public agent. Each agent has its local information and goals, and interacts with others by using an interaction protocol. The decision-making processes and the competencies characterize in a specific way each one of the different agent typologies working in the system.
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The Scenario

The paper provides a model for the understanding of the dynamics of a collaborative network. The network is represented by a coordinator and private/public actors. The coordinator makes decisions for increasing the territorial attractive capacity with respect to new investments and new projects. Its main tasks are:

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