Methods of Improving and Optimizing English Education Level in Higher Vocational Colleges Under the Background of Big Data

Methods of Improving and Optimizing English Education Level in Higher Vocational Colleges Under the Background of Big Data

Yuan Teng
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/IJeC.345239
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At present, the English skills of Chinese university graduates cannot meet the needs of social development. Therefore, in recent years, the reform of college English teaching has received unprecedented attention. This article proposes methods for improving vocational English education in the context of big data, including teacher development, curriculum design, teaching modes, teaching resources, and learning evaluation. It also explores and analyzes new models and means of vocational English teaching that are conducive to big data analysis. We adopted a blended learning model that combines large-scale online open courses and SPOC to reform traditional English teaching methods and plans, and studied the teaching effectiveness and feasibility of the blended learning model. The results indicate that it can improve the online course experience and teaching effectiveness. This study promotes the modernization and reform of vocational English education, which helps to enhance students' independent English learning ability and practical work ability.
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Literature Review

Assessment should not be a summative exercise, but rather a process. By using a classroom observation terminal that can record student learning at any time and aggregate the data, teachers can quickly identify where students are missing out on learning, which, in turn, helps them to reflect on their teaching activities in order to improve the relevance and effectiveness of their classroom teaching (Cui et al., 2023). The recording of pupils' behavior by an information-based curriculum vehicle enables the integration of big data into classroom teaching (Capogna, 2023). Big data can help teachers better manage and allocate teaching resources, and improve teaching efficiency and quality. By analyzing student learning data, teachers can identify which teaching resources are more popular among students and which teaching methods are more effective. Based on these findings, teachers can optimize the allocation of teaching resources, choose more suitable textbooks and teaching methods for students, and improve teaching effectiveness. At the same time, big data can also help teachers achieve the sharing and collaborative work of teaching resources, promote communication and cooperation among teachers, and improve the overall quality of teaching (McCray et al., 2023).

Big data has a disruptive impact on individual teachers' teaching. While traditional university English teaching is a textbook-based classroom that teaches basic knowledge and skills, the widespread use of the Internet makes it possible to use online platforms that students encounter when learning English. Although students today have abundant resources to learn English, they act as disseminators of knowledge and skills, organizers and participants in teaching activities. There are problems with the English teaching mode, teaching resources, and evaluation methods in the education system, which have failed to effectively cultivate students' English language abilities. Students lack sufficient practical opportunities and interactive teaching experiences, leading to difficulties in using English in practice.

The application of big data can not only optimize teaching content and methods, but also promote interaction and communication between teachers and students. By building a teaching interaction platform based on big data, teachers can understand students' learning dynamics and feedback in real time, and adjust teaching strategies in a timely manner; Students can also share their learning experiences on the platform, and interact with teachers and classmates. These online education platforms enable students to access quality educational resources from the world's leading universities. In today's increasingly popular digital education, MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) has been favored by teachers, students, and social learners for its open, shared, and convenient characteristics. However, the international MOOC platform may have some discrepancies in content and form with the local educational environment and student needs, where students can selectively watch videos repeatedly and adapt them for personalized learning, and where multi-format approaches, such as videos, provide better learning outcomes than simply reading textbooks.

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