Methodology for Monitoring the Energy Consumption of Computer Services in Health Centers Based on IoT Technology Applied to Decision Making

Methodology for Monitoring the Energy Consumption of Computer Services in Health Centers Based on IoT Technology Applied to Decision Making

Wilver Auccahuasi, Lucas Herrera, Karin Rojas, Christian Ovalle, Esteban Medina Rafaile, Luis W. Robles Trejo, Marco Antonio Jamanca Ramirez, Moises Tongo, Edward Flores, Fernando Sernaque, Percy Castro Mejia, Jose Luis Herrera Salazar
DOI: 10.4018/IJSESD.315321
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Health centers, in recent times, are being considered as important resources to take care of people's health, with greater importance with the arrival of the pandemic produced by COVID-19, where one of the main concerns was to be able to increase their medical equipment. These actions are very helpful, but in some cases, the requirement on the consumption of electrical energy is ignored, which can cause a decrease in voltage levels, which would cause a malfunction of the medical equipment and current surges, which would lead to much of the equipment connected to the electrical network being affected. The proposed methodology is based on being able to monitor and evaluate the consumption of electrical energy, organized under an IoT network configuration, to measure by areas and by critical services that may be affected, and to measure the current and voltage at each critical point. To test the methodology, current and voltage sensors will be used. As an IoT interface, the 16-bit PIC-IoT, a module, was made in LabVIEW to monitor and evaluate the measurements.
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1. Introduction

Health centers are today the places where a continuous supply of energy is required, due to the information systems that are running, these information systems provide computer solutions such as medical history service, appointment record, dispatch of medications, registration of clinical examinations, among others, it is for this reason that continuous evaluation and monitoring of the voltage and current levels that servers are consuming in real time thanks to IoT technology is required, in the use of this technology We find works where smart homes are handled with an emphasis on the use of led technology, the use of these technologies shows that the so-called smart homes demonstrate their quantitative effectiveness and in increasing energy efficiency, in order to demonstrate it, data collection must be done using IoT technology, for this analysis you should take into account that there are 2 types of houses, some d where they were built in houses with an established wiring of the connections and others where the connections are designed to increase connectivity, thus increasing the collection of information (Matsui, 2017).

In the implementation of IoT technology, there is a configuration of sensors in a node configuration, in order to manage them in the tasks of collecting, processing and sending information, in these tasks the mechanism for sending information to the cloud, managing the connections, the protocol for sending information, the connections of the users, among others, these topologies are necessary when the monitoring unit is outside the monitoring area (Zhang, 2020).

In the monitoring of energy systems We can find the evaluation of the measurement mechanisms such as the reference voltage, bipolar transistors, resistance scaling, analog to digital converters and zero compensation amplifiers, among others, with this information the consumption can be calculated of energy, average energy, output voltages, among others, in such a way that information is available in real time thanks to IoT technology (Tehrani & Atarodi, 2019).

On the subject of energy consumption in data centers, we find works related to energy consumption related to working temperature, as well as the need to be able to control the cooling system, which has the ability to control the temperature with This can control energy consumption based on temperature management, there are many solutions based on configurations for cold air treatment, and optimize its effect, thanks to the monitoring of working temperatures in the main nodes of the data center, and sent to a connection in real time using IoT technology (Chen et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2012).

One of the mechanisms that help in the energy management of data centers, are supported by the energy units better known as UPS, where they provide the energy necessary for the continuity of information services, in this sense the control unit of the UPS, are remotely connected, measuring in real time the operating parameters based on IoT technology, where it provides information such as the battery charge level, battery working hours, working power, output voltage, supply of current, among others (Alipio et al., 2019; Dai et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2014).

One of the trends concerning remote control, is related to the power to control and monitor the status of the equipment, in this sense the medical equipment, are one of those that is paying attention, even more with the influence of COVID-19, many solutions are being presented that make it possible to control medical equipment remotely, with the intention of reducing the interaction or contact with the patient (Ar-Reyouchi et al., 2021). Continuing with the medical area, solutions are also being presented to be able to control different types of signals to people, where the so-called IOT protocols are applied in health, with the intention of having the medical signal in real time continuing with the logic of minimizing contact with the patient (Ben Hassen et al., 2020).

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