Mental Risk Faced During Lockdown in COVID-19: A Grey-TOPSIS Approach – A Case Study of Odisha

Mental Risk Faced During Lockdown in COVID-19: A Grey-TOPSIS Approach – A Case Study of Odisha

Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.299377
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Indian Govt has taken broad step and declared lock down to reduce the community-transmission of the novel “Coronavirus”.Many people tried to utilize this period by doing online work and household work simulateneouly. Many small scale industries,shops ,agencies,school colleges shut their door following Govt rules and regulations to avoid spreading of virus.People working or engaged in these activities or duties became unemployed .As man is a social animal and feels safe and secured in society due to increase in distance from society from office space and due to financial crises , day by day negative thought impacts their mind and they are mental in stability or pressure . In this study, an attempt was made to prioritize the cause of mental pressure faced by common people. Such that precautionary measures can be taken for the public-health such that appropriate steps can be taken to protect their health from the transmission of this virus. By using the “Grey-technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (Grey-TOPSIS)”method .
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1. Introduction

Now-a -days everywhere world faces just one health problems that's pandemic Covid-19. Corona virus disease (COVID-19) is that the first pandemic in human history where technology and social media are getting used on a huge scale to keep people safe, productive and connected while being physically apart. Thanks to digitization, which help in connecting people maintaining social distance, Information for Covid -19 and vital health messages are often spread to common peoples mobile ,it helps to save lots of life . By seeing the severity of Pandemic, ITU and WHO turn all telecommunication companies worldwide to hitch this initiative to assist unleash the facility of communication technology to save lots of lives from COVID-19. This initiative builds on current efforts to disseminate health messages through the joint WHO-ITU Be-healthy Be-Mobile initiative. Some of the infectious diseases like Swine flue, attain epidemic-proportion occasionally, albeit many of the diseases are found to be endemic like malaria, flu and tuberculosis, etc. Covid-19 refers to often sudden and increasing number of disease-cases during a community in more than normal expectation during a population. the main causes for Covid-19 still a crucial topic of dialogue but the spread is reported as non-availability of unpolluted & hygienic drinking-water, contamination, of drinking-water sources, lacking in sanitation related awareness, unhygienic-foods, overcrowds, biological-conditions also as ecological factors. Moreover, as a consequence of the spread of the Pandemic, many developed and developing countries are affected leading to a high mortality-rate. This pandemic has effected public-health and economy level badly. Therefore, everywhere World try to unravel and mitigate the COVID-19 viruses throughout the planet . Till date just one solution is found lockdown and Social distancing. Those countries by hook or crook followed, they somehow ready to stop the trail of Covid-19 and saved lives of their population. Due to lock down office, industries, shops stop their transaction, so countries started facing financial crises . But still with facing Economic crises also Indian Govt tried lot to safe lifetime of people. Internet has played an important role this point . Internet has saved bread and butter of the many professional during this pandemic. Software professionals can work smoothly in their home, education and teaching professionals and students can use internet facility in their home, doctors can consult by telemedicine facilities. Thus the importance of IT increases within the economy. The increased demand for software and social media platforms like Google Hangouts, WhatsApp Video call, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams is more in different platform.  These teleconferencing tools help the people that are in quarantine to remain in-tuned with their relations also as have conference meetings and work on an equivalent time. The economy also will blossom because, during these crises, people understood the importance of the web and technology as this is often helping us stay safe and helping within the communication between the doctors and therefore the public. Moreover online shopping and door to door delivery has saved tons of peoples life and life style. Professional’s of various field have learned,  how to complete their work and meetings from home by video conferencing, etc. As there's no production of products or and no services provided, small business firms and household sector unable to supply remuneration to there employees .Few people haven't any options to do their work from home and sit in home ideally. It may be for two reasons ,First case their working industries are small industries and have not developed IT platform to help their employees during this pandemic and secondly physical presence was necessary in their work place to complete job. So the standard of living of household sector also decreases. The loneliness, family burden, financial problem, thought of loosing job, predicted future, fear and most vital distance from society started burden their mind creating mental pressure most of the cases and in some cases work from home created over burden of 24 hours official work as well as family pressure. But still job security somehow helps them to relief. But maximum unemployed mass are found with behavioral changes, anxiety, change in food habits, sleeplessness, loneliness, etc. The industries who were working with old file systems without internet facilities bear tons of loss and every one most pack up ,So their employees without job are in high mental pressure. Some emergency services made their workers compulsory service as they need no online facilities for his or her workers .The workers of these Organizations are always in mental pressure of contamination of Corona in workplace and made to return out of range in fear of losing job. During lockdown physical training, education, even employment interview bogged down .So getting employment or any sort of physical job training is additionally an enormous Challenger for unemployed mass who aren't aware of data technology. For survival also IT plays an important role during pandemic. Starting from financial transactions, for official work ,paying electricity ,water bills, applying for job, education, online shopping, for medicine , to passing and getting information it's helped tons to scale back mental pressure. Thanks to IT people are ready to confine touch to their workplace and outside world . Smart phones, Drone, smart apps also are utilized in many countries to detect Covid patients and help them to urge health services. Not only this it's created many opportunity in job sector also. But persons like less educated ,no education in IT , migrant labors ,unskilled and unemployed mass suffered in depression and mental pressure. Anxiety  is common for people handling poverty and unemployment and those with psycho-social issues like violence , sexual assault , etc. Some people that have COVID-19 infection, or have a family or relative one who has tested positive also are susceptible to worry .When people are confined to their homes, voluntarily or compulsorily, and suffers with unemployment and financial crises ,their social and financial loneliness develops , anxiety, fear, sadness, frustration, irritability and anger. But messages and knowledge reached to by Information technology helps them counsel and to scale back their mental pressure .So during this paper an attempt is taken to survey and prioritize the cause /parameters of mental pressure during Covid-19 lockdown due to lack of knowledge of IT and suggests the way to reduce mental pressure.

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