Management, Performance, and Measurement of Organizational Resilience

Management, Performance, and Measurement of Organizational Resilience

José G. Vargas-Hernández
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/IJSEM.2021100101
(Individual Articles)
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the different implications between management, performance, and measurement of organizational resilience from the different ontologies and methodologies emerging to protect organizations against disturbances, disruptions, and disasters such as risk and crisis management and continuity management. The underlying assumptions are based on the lack of clarification of the relationships among these concepts despite the strong background in various disciplines, as well as the required assessment of unknown threats, assuming measures of a general resilience to enhance abilities to face unanticipated and unexpected events and disasters. The method employed is the analytical reflective of theoretical and empirical literature review sustained in a holistic approach. It is concluded that each discipline based on its own ontology provides concepts, methodologies, and tools to implement and measure organizational resilience management performance linked to organizational levels and offering solutions.
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Organizational Disturbances And Disasters

The entire global economic structure is reeling from the health crisis of the pandemic. Governments of Nation states and corporations are assessing the global market as a growing source of disruption of global value, production, and logistics chains, as well as the source of risk and competitive disadvantages. Local governments are retracting global policies of economic integration and are increasing the protectionist policies for repatriation of manufactures Abdal, & Ferreira (2021). However, other national economies have already developed capabilities to become resilient, recovering, restructuring, and enhancing the new institutional governance emerging from the pandemic.

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