Low-Cost RFID Authentication Protocol Based on Elliptic Curve Algorithm

Low-Cost RFID Authentication Protocol Based on Elliptic Curve Algorithm

Rania Baashirah, Abdelshakour Abuzneid, Salah Addine Mellouki, Zeba Siraj, Cheng Zhan
DOI: 10.4018/IJITN.2021040101
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Radio frequency identification (RFID) is the fastest growing technology in the world today. Thus, wireless communication between tags and readers became an integral part of retail products, library books, personal identifications, and healthcare. The RFID system can provide security features to the data transferred along the network to maintain data privacy, integrity, and confidentiality. Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is widely used in RFID authentication protocols to improve communication security. Zhao proposed an RFID authentication protocol using ECC where a unique access list for tags is generated with the reader identifier to elevate the security level. Although Zhao's protocol can withstand most of the RFID security attacks, it has a very high computation cost. The authors improve Zhao protocol and propose a new RFID authentication protocol by reducing the computation cost almost to the half of that in Zhao. The proposed protocol shows a significant improvement in the computation cost.
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As people realized the importance of the public key cryptography in securing the wireless sensor communication, more and more secured and trusted RFID authentication protocols were proposed. ECC is a public key scheme for low constraint devices such as RFID tags. Compared with the traditional public key cryptography, ECC has a smaller key size and more efficiency. Hence, several papers have already presented some authentication protocols using ECC to provide secure RFID communication (Pagán Alexander, Baashirah, & Abuzneid, 2018). However, proposed ECC protocols show different system performance and security features.

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