Leveraging Social Media in Facilitating Women Entrepreneurs in India: A Case Study of Pune Ladies (PULA)

Leveraging Social Media in Facilitating Women Entrepreneurs in India: A Case Study of Pune Ladies (PULA)

Madhura Manish Bedarkar, Mahima Mishra, Ritesh Ashok Khatwani
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/IJEEI.2020070105
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This article explores the role of social media in facilitating women entrepreneurs in India. It adopts a case study approach to explore the effectiveness of social media platforms in supporting women entrepreneurs. PULA (Pune Ladies), a closed Facebook Group, set up in 2015 for women in Pune, was selected as a case study. Fifteen in-depth interviews were conducted among 15 active women entrepreneurs of this group to explore the benefits received in terms of visibility, marketing opportunities, revenue generation, psychological benefits (sense of belongingness, self-confidence, motivation), and counselling to name a few. Their responses were analyzed for commonalities and divergences. The article finds that PULA not only offers a cost-effective platform for women entrepreneurs to showcase their products/services but also helps them in enhancing the visibility and financial performance of their businesses. The findings of this study will guide women entrepreneurs in leveraging social media platforms through greater visibility, networking and marketing their products/ services more efficiently.

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