Latin American and Caribbean Literature Transposed into Digital: Corpus, Ecosystem, Canon

Latin American and Caribbean Literature Transposed into Digital: Corpus, Ecosystem, Canon

Adrián R. Vila
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2016010103
(Individual Articles)
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The aim of the present paper is the study of the action performed by the publishing industry in the context of the transposition into digital format of printed books comprising a Latin American and Caribbean literary corpus. The designed corpus includes works and authors labelled as a Latin American segment of the Western Canon, in addition to those segments provided by feminist, queer, postcolonial, and/or decolonization critical theories. It is described/defined the digital ecosystem to which the corpus is transposed as well as some of the strategies implemented by the major e-book trade platforms and the main digital libraries to offer Latin American and Caribbean literature transposed into digital format.
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Designing A Latin American And Caribbean Literary Corpus (La&Clc)

The LA&CLC arises from the survey of heterogeneous Latin American and Caribbean literary documentary sources (repertoires, essays, anthologies, articles, memoirs, catalogues, dictionaries) which differ from each other, as well as the perspectives and criteria for selecting authors and works produced by the sources themselves.

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