Lapa Card: A Smart Membership Card for Authentication, Payments, and Directional Marketing

Lapa Card: A Smart Membership Card for Authentication, Payments, and Directional Marketing

João Lobato Oliveira, Luís Certo, Pedro Minatel, Danton Dornellas Silva
DOI: 10.4018/IJITN.302117
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The world is becoming a place where everything is connected and where everyone expects to use their daily objects to interact with the digital ecosystem in the most safe and seamless manner. This article proposes a smart BLE/NFC membership card system – the Lapa Card –, which can be associated with any company, club or loyalty program. It enables users to physically check-in and safely process payments by acting as a physical authenticator that combines with other authentication factors (e.g., biometric) to seamlessly validate transactions with the highest safety standards. Also, it connects with a network of Gateways to support a directional marketing platform that automates promotional events by proximity. The developed system is able to safely process transactions with the highest safety and minimum friction, and is also able to perform directional marketing in the physical world with good responsiveness while protecting the users’ privacy.
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In the last years, there have been multiple approaches to stimulate the usage of membership cards by integrating various technological and digital solutions. More recent “technological” membership cards, such as (Man City, 2021), (Curve OS, 2021), (BrilliantTS, 2021), already integrate loyalty and directional marketing mechanisms (Mollah, 2014). Evermore they can be used as payment methods, which attempt to combine security with usability and low usage friction (i.e., minimize the amount of time needed to process a payment transaction), while some additionally combine multiple payment methods in one (Curve OS, 2021), (BrilliantTS, 2021).

This section depicts some of the most relevant technological components integrated in membership cards, namely regarding Authentication, (Physical) Payments, and Directional Marketing. The proposed membership card system is one of the first to conciliate the three referred components while offering a safe frictionless solution into a convenient wearable device that fits inside the user’s wallet and protects it against loses and thefts.


With the development of digital technologies and the proliferation of information, it is critical to implement authentication methods capable of validating the users’ identity both in the physical and digital worlds.

Current high security solutions such as the ones presented by last generation payment methods (e.g., PSD2 – Payment Services Directive (EBF, 2019)) already demand for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) solutions. These SCA solutions rely on Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) that combine at least 2 authentication factors of distinct natures, namely: i) Identity- based methods (Rui et al., 2018), which rely in biometric approaches that measure and analyze the unique features of the human body (e.g., voice recognition, face recognition); ii) Knowledge-based methods (Katsini, 2016), which rely on confidential information known by the user (e.g., PINs, passwords); iii) Possession-based methods, which rely on information contained, encrypted and/or generated by objects exclusively owned by the user (e.g., matrix cards, USB authenticators (Yubico, 2021)).

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