La Barranca del Rio Santiago as Tourist and Eco Touristic Attraction for the Brand Guadalajara Guadalajara, Focused on a National Tourism

La Barranca del Rio Santiago as Tourist and Eco Touristic Attraction for the Brand Guadalajara Guadalajara, Focused on a National Tourism

José G. Vargas-Hernández, Jovanna Nathalie Cervantes-Guzman
DOI: 10.4018/IJTHMDA.2020010102
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The main purpose of this research is to show if the Barranca del Rio Santiago is a tourist attraction and ecotourism should be included in the Guadalajara brand, focused on national tourism. The research is exploratory and descriptive in nature, as it seeks to know if the Rio de Santiago Canyon is an ecotourism and tourist attraction so that it can be included in the Guadalajara brand. The analysis was conducted under a database issued by the state of Jalisco, which is the 2016 Yearbook of the State of Jalisco. SECTUR establishes in the latest competitiveness agenda of tourist destinations in Mexico that Guadalajara has a large number of natural destinations, including the Barranca del Río Santiago, this destination has a high ecological, recreational and landscaping value, which is very little known by the local population, and consequently it can become a new product for the ecotourism sector.
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In the following investigation, it is analyzed if the Barranca del Río Santiago can be a tourist and eco touristic attraction for the city of Guadalajara, focused on a national tourism. That is why it is talked about the terms tourism, alternative tourism, national tourism, ecotourism, which is a tourist attraction, the city or city marketing brand, the Guadalajara brand and the Barranca del Río Santiago. All these terms are based on several expert authors on the subject and official documents which are provided by the Secretary of Tourism of the State of Jalisco.

Undoubtedly, city brands are something that has been raised for a long time and there are success stories, very famous, such as I Love NY or what is the CDMX brand (Aldaz, 2016). Another important aspect of the research is that the Guadalajara brand was launched by the government of Guadalajara in 2016 with the characteristic song of the composer Pepe Guízar (Social communication, events, government news 2016).

Regarding tourism issues, it is commented that tourism is an economic force, which has the power to implement projects that maintain the natural attractiveness that visitors wish to see and experience. The economic benefits of tourism depend on the way in which tourist attractions are kept safe, clean and pleasant to the senses (Rebollo, 2012, p.12). Alternative tourism refers to there are other ways of doing things. For example, traveling and knowing places, more natural. (Rogel, Rojas & Ortega, 2011, p.3).

However, it is necessary to define perfectly what fraction of tourists are going to be taken from national tourism, which is practiced by nationals and foreigners residing in the country within its borders, that is, tourists traveling inland. of the country they do it for vacation reasons, recreation, congresses and conventions, work and business (Portugal, 2008). Then, it can have segmented it more and reach the ecotourism sector, which is considered the direct result of global acceptance in favor of more sustainable productive practices and with less impact on the environment.

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