Kirlian Experimental Analysis and IoT: Part 1

Kirlian Experimental Analysis and IoT: Part 1

Rohit Rastogi, Mamta Saxena, Devendra K. Chaturvedi, Mayank Gupta, Akshit Rajan Rastogi, Mukund Rastogi, Ankur Sharma, Sheelu Sagar
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.2021040104
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Our entire body, including the brain and nervous system, works with the help of various kinds of biological stuff which includes positively charged ions of elements like sodium, potassium, and calcium. The different body parts have different energy levels, and by measuring the energy level, we can also measure the fitness of an individual. Moreover, this energy and fitness are directly related to mental health and the signals being transmitted between the brain and other parts of the body. Various activities like walking, talking, eating, and thinking are performed with the help of these transmission signals. Another critical role played by them is that it helps in examining the mechanisms of cells present at various places in the human body and signaling the nervous system and brain if they are properly functioning or not. This manuscript is divided into two parts where, in the first part, it provides the introduction, background, and extensive literature survey on Kirlian experiments to measure the human's organ energy.
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Human Bioelectricity and Global Understanding of Consciousness

All living beings work as a potential power plant. Every human and living being has its bioelectric field(aura) around the body. This bioelectric field likewise applies its effect on nature around the person. The presence of a bioelectric field in the human body does not require a conceptual development, nor does it need logical gear. The possibility of consciousness, as a critical quality, provides precise answers for some issues which are hard to clarify utilizing the standard rational design. It can explain the connection between mind and consciousness. The mind does not create consciousness, yet goes about as a sort of beneficiary which gets the critical consciousness that is surrounding us, and communicates it into our same entity. Since the human mind is so sophisticated, it can get and transmit consciousness in a profound and multifaceted manner, with the goal that we are (likely) more strongly and expansively cognizant than most different creatures (Indolia et al.,2015).

Kirlian Photography

Kirlian photography is an assortment of photographic systems used to catch the wonder of electrical coronal releases. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who, in 1939, coincidentally found that if an item on a photographic plate is associated with a high-voltage source, a picture is delivered on the photographic plate. The way toward taking a Kirlian photograph is generally straightforward and does not require the utilization of a camera. Initially, a sheet of photographic film is set on a metal plate. At that point, the item that will be shot is set on the film. To make the underlying presentation, you need to apply a high voltage current to the metal plate. At that point, you should catch the electrical coronal release between the item and the metal plate. The Kirlian photo, which shows a light, gleaming outline around the shot item, gets obvious because of developing on the film (Laycock et al.,1989).

In Indian ancient pictures of gurus and gods, a giant lighted circle of energy is shown behind their body. The belief of aura and energy comes long before any research was done on the energy of the body. The plants, animals and materials also possess energies. To observe and measure the energy generated from the body in 1930’s Scientist Semyon Kirlian came up with fantastic invention Kirlian photography which can take the pictures of the aura generated from the body. It depends upon the thoughts, emotions and people near to us. A large number of studies argue that the aura of saints and Yogis are much more than that of criminals and ordinary people. The test was done on the people before and after the yoga classes of 40 days in Japan. There was noticed a significant difference in the amount of aura generated. Can we say happiness and positivity in thoughts can generate aura? Our every organ generates aura and changes, and diseases can also be observed from this kind of photography (Graziano et al., 2011).


The Objective Of Presented Work

Our objective is to compare the Human Bio electricity-based energy through Kirlian photography camera and analyze the health factors like stress, mental balance, energy distribution and organ misbalances between two human subjects. Also, the Average Energy Distribution and energy at Urino Genital System has been compared for those subjects.

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