JAVA Jigsaw Puzzle

JAVA Jigsaw Puzzle

Xuewei Zhang, XiaoJie Liu
DOI: 10.4018/IJAPUC.2017070101
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With the development of society, the computer has become an indispensable part of people's daily life, especially in the study, and it plays an important role in their respective fields. Under the influence of the rapid development of computer, computer games are also thriving. Jigsaw puzzle is one of them. It has a wide range of applications, but also for young and old. The game can not only exercise manual ability, observation ability, but also cultivate the ability of cooperation between people.
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2. Jigsaw Puzzle Development Tools

2.1. Eclipse Development Tools Introduced

Eclipse is an open source, Java based extensible development platform, with a focus on developing a fully functional, commercial, industrial platform for highly integrated tools (Huang, 2015). Eclipse is just a framework and a set of services for building a development environment through plug-in components. Eclipse comes with a standard set of plug-ins, including Java development tools (Java Development Tools, JDT) (Zou, 2015).

Eclipse is a famous cross platform free integrated development environment (IDE), initially mainly used Java language development, but there are people through plug-ins that as other computer languages such as C++ and Python development tools. Eclipse is just a framework platform that provides a plug-in development environment (PDE), which is aimed at software developers who want to extend Eclipse, allowing the ability to build tools that seamlessly integrate with the Eclipse environment. Support for many plug-ins makes Eclipse having the flexibility which other features relatively fixed IDE software is difficult to have. Because everything in Eclipse is a plug-in, to provide users with a consistent and unified integrated development environment, so that all tool developers have the same place to play.

2.2. The Main Part of Eclipse Development

A is mainly composed of Eclipse project, Eclipse tool project and Eclipse technology project, including four parts - Eclipse Platform, JDT, CDT and PDE. DT support for Java development, CDT support C development, PDE used to support plug-in development. Eclipse Platform is an open and extensible IDE, and provides a common development platform. It provides the basis for building blocks and building and running the foundation of integrated software development tools, Eclipse Platform allows tool builders to develop tools that seamlessly integrate with other tools. The Eclipse SDK (Software Developer Package) is a combination of the Eclipse Platform, JDT, and PDE components that can be downloaded at once. These sections provide a rich development environment that allows developers to efficiently build tools that can be seamlessly integrated into the Eclipse Platform. The Eclipse SDK is a combination of Eclipse project production tools and third-party software from other open sources. Software product by Eclipse project to publish in CPL, third-party components have their own license agreement.

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