Investigating the Classroom Environment With Physical Computing

Investigating the Classroom Environment With Physical Computing

David Parsons, Kathryn MacCallum
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/IJMBL.315627
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To integrate digital technologies into the curriculum, teachers must support learners to use digital tools in authentic contexts. Physical computing, which involves the use of small portable electronic devices, provides an opportunity to achieve these goals. This article reports on the initial stages of a design-based research (DBR) project that will enable students to monitor and investigate their own learning spaces, with a focus on the impacts on their own well-being, and to propose solutions to any issues that they identify. The study focuses on a series of workshops, run with staff from an educational organisation, designed to explore environmental monitoring in the classroom and identify opportunities to apply the theory of situated cognition to authentic learning in context. The article reports on the first two phases of the DBR approach, defining the project focus and understanding the problem, to propose and refine a set of five design principles. The insights gained will be used in the subsequent phases of the DBR process.
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Small portable electronic devices such as the micro:bit, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi, are now available to students in many classrooms around the world. These devices have been adopted in schools to teach programming in a more hands-on manner in learning contexts that are more engaging and inclusive (Hodges et al., 2020; Nikou et al., 2020). The challenge for educators is, however, to achieve authenticity when using this type of electronic device. Using electronics in authentic ways in the classroom means the learning must be meaningfully connected to different subjects or domains of knowledge. So, while these tools are becoming more popular in schools, teachers still need support to identify meaningful learning activities in which electronics can be integrated - activities where the use of these tools enable, rather than dominate, the learning. The concept of physical computing provides a lens through which we can investigate this challenge.

Physical Computing

Physical computing is an emerging area of research where students are engaged with the process of “creatively designing tangible interactive objects or systems using programmable hardware” (Przybylla & Romeike, 2017, p. 352). The integration of small electronic devices not only supports the development of critical thinking but also fosters collaborative and interpersonal skills (Psycharis et al., 2018). These devices offer significant opportunities for rich learning. While they have been primarily adopted to teach programming and computational skills (Papavlasopoulou et al., 2019) the inclusion of sensors (such as temperature, light, sound, etc.) in, or attached to, these devices provides for rich experiences where learners can engage with real-world environments, such as their own learning spaces.

Physical computing, therefore, supports rich transdisciplinary learning (Psycharis et al., 2018), for example by enabling students to apply physical computing to address environmental factors that impact their own well-being. Physical computing also provides new approaches for problem-based learning, where students can address problem-solving in a hands-on manner. It supports student-centred classrooms and small group work activities with limited teacher involvement and a focus on allowing students to teach each other and progress together. The combination of sensors and communication channels provides students with many opportunities for scientific discovery and related mathematical skills. Examples from the literature include using an accelerometer to gather data from model rocket cars and gathering soil moisture data in environment projects (Austin et al., 2020), and measuring Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in different environments (Henry, 2022). However, despite its clear potential in the curriculum (Przybylla & Romeike, 2017) there is limited research into how physical computing can best be integrated into learning experiences. The question addressed in this article is therfore: How can physical computing best be used to support authentic, student-led learning about the classroom environment and its impacts on well-being or other factors important to students?

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