Interior Design Based on Internet Thinking

Interior Design Based on Internet Thinking

Min Nie
DOI: 10.4018/IJCINI.349971
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With the continuous development of society and economy, Internet thinking is gradually integrated into interior design, bringing new possibilities for interior design. This paper takes the interior design of general hospital outpatient department based on Internet thinking as an example to explore the interior design based on Internet thinking. Through the questionnaire survey and interview method and other scientific research methods, the author collected relevant data and carried out statistics and analyses, and concluded that the field of interior design should be combined with the current way of thinking about the Internet to innovate, and integrate the interior space into the combination of modern science and technology and interior design, so as to enable the interior design industry to develop rapidly. Under the influence of Internet thinking, interior design pays more attention to the interactive relationship between users and space. This mode of thinking enables designers to better understand user needs and provide users with more personalised and comfortable space design.
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The current global design method and thinking framework are influenced by a combination of factors, including technological advancements, cultural shifts, and evolving societal needs. One of the prevailing approaches in contemporary design is human-centered design (HCD) (Rossi & Attaianese, 2023). This methodology places a strong emphasis on understanding the needs, behaviors, and preferences of end-users. By prioritizing empathy and user engagement throughout the design process (Mahmood & Jensen, 2023), practitioners aim to create solutions that are intuitive, accessible, and impactful. Design thinking is another prominent framework that has gained traction in recent years. Rooted in creative problem-solving, design thinking encourages multidisciplinary collaboration and iterative experimentation (Schweitzer et al., 2023). By adopting a mindset characterized by empathy, ideation, prototyping, and testing, designers can uncover innovative solutions to complex challenges across various domains. The advent of digital technologies has profoundly influenced the design landscape, enabling new modes of creativity, production, and interaction. From digital prototyping and simulation tools to advanced manufacturing techniques like 3D printing, designers have access to a wide array of digital resources that streamline the design process and expand the realm of possibilities. Design today is increasingly characterized by cross-disciplinary collaboration, with practitioners drawing insights from fields such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and neuroscience (Mejía et al., 2023). By integrating diverse perspectives and expertise, designers can develop more holistic and contextually relevant solutions that resonate with diverse audiences. Overall, the current global design method and thinking framework are characterized by a commitment to human-centeredness, sustainability, digitalization, collaboration, inclusivity, and continuous learning. By embracing these principles and approaches, designers are poised to address complex challenges, drive positive change, and shape a more equitable, sustainable, and delightful world through design (Piłat, 2024).

In the current market environment, traditional interior design methods and thinking modes have been difficult to meet the ever-changing needs (Scolere, 2023). Therefore, the integration of Internet thinking into interior design has become an important trend in the development of the interior design industry (Nowakowski, 2024). The interior design process based on Internet thinking will help workers greatly improve work efficiency, accurately grasp the needs of users, and promote the development of interior space in the direction of intelligence.

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and shifting societal paradigms, the interior design industry finds itself at the forefront of innovation and transformation. As traditional methods struggle to keep pace with the dynamic needs of modern living, a new paradigm has emerged—one driven by Internet thinking.

Through Internet thinking, designers can better understand user needs and translate them into practical design solutions (Liao et al., 2023). At the same time, Internet thinking also provides more innovative possibilities, enabling designers to combine modern technology with interior design to provide users with a more intelligent and humanised interior space (Bartoloni et al., 2022). This combination can not only improve the quality and quantity of interior design products while giving users a good product experience to match, but also bring new opportunities to the development of the design industry (Bate & Robert, 2023).

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