Integration of Knowledge Resources in R&D Organizations: A Human Resource Management Perspective

Integration of Knowledge Resources in R&D Organizations: A Human Resource Management Perspective

Valentina Janev, Sanja Vraneš
Copyright: © 2009 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/jitr.2009070103
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This article presents the process of design and implementation of a holistic knowledge management infrastructure for R&D organizations from human resources (HR) perspective. The approach addresses HR challenges such as support for an open and flexible organizational structure, support for managing the specific assets of an R&D organization, supports for analysis and reporting, both internally and towards research funding bodies, as well as integration into the semantic web community space. Using an illustrative case study of a concrete research intensive establishment, the Mihajlo Pupin Institute, this article shows how the latest semantic technologies (ontologies, SPARQL, Semantic Wiki) could be used on the top of the commercial SAP® Enterprise Resource Planning system and the open-source Alfresco Enterprise Content Management system in order to ensure meaningful search and retrieval of the expertise for inhouse users as well as the integration in European research space and beyond.

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