Improving Education Delivery in a Technical University in Ghana Through Mobile Learning Technology

Improving Education Delivery in a Technical University in Ghana Through Mobile Learning Technology

Nana Yaw Asabere, Joseph Agyiri, Amevi Acakpovi, Abraham Nachanja, Priscilla Awuku
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTRAME.2020070103
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Although in Accra Technical University (ATU), Ghana there exists a traditional face-to-face (F2F) mode of education already in place, the implementation of mobile learning (m-learning) through ICT in education will solve problems such as small classroom size, inappropriate time schedule for lectures, and provision technological resources needed to run successful classroom education. In order to validate successful implementation of m-learning in ATU, this paper employed a questionnaire research instrument with reference to the technology acceptance model (TAM-2) as a theoretical framework. Closed-ended questionnaires were administered to a sample size of 160 students and 15 lecturers in the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS) in ATU. Based on the responses received, the authors established positive technological acceptance of respondents, which paved the way to propose and develop a suitable m-learning system for ATU. It is envisaged that successful implementation of the m-learning system proposed in this paper will practically increase the use of ICT in education by both lecturers and students in ATU.
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Globally, the combination of wireless technology and mobile computing is resulting in escalating transformations in the educational world. The question is, how are the wireless and mobile technologies affecting the learning environment pedagogy and campus life? (Benson & Morgan, 2013; Park, 2011; Alexander, 2004; Van'tHooft & Swan, 2007). Education can be defined as a systematic process through which an individual acquires knowledge, experience, skills and sound attitude. Education involves a dynamic process which develops an individual according to changing situations and times. It induces the individual towards progress and reconstructs the society according to the changing needs of time.

Modern day education is aided with a variety of technologies, computers, projectors, internet and many more. By this, everything that can be simplified has been made simpler. However, in the traditional mode of education, knowledge is mostly imparted to students by means of oral recitation. Traditional face-to-face (F2F) education uses little or no technology. This means students may not be exposed to new technological advancements. Furthermore, the traditional mode of education does not allow students to practice what they have been taught. For instance, a student who is taught how to code by means of paper and pen without the use of a computer will not know what coding actually involves since in “paper coding”, there are no errors.

With the introduction of technology in most tertiary institutions across the globe, teaching and learning has become a lot easier than before. Some of these technologies used in tertiary institutions include: Ubiquitous Learning (van’t Hooft & Swan, 2007; Ogata, Matsuka, El-Bishouty, & Yano, 2009; Van'tHooft & Swan, 2007); Computer Based Training (Roschelle et al., 2000; Bedwell & Salas, 2010); Mobile Learning (M-Learning) - This involves the use of mobile computing and wireless technology to enable learning occur anytime, anyplace and anywhere (Traxler, 2005; Keskin & Metcalf, 2011; Alzaza &Yaakub, 2011; Asabere, 2013); Electronic Learning (E-Learning) - Teaching and learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the internet (Sangra, Vlachopoulos, & Cabrera, 2012). It can also be defined as a learning system based on formalized teaching but with the help of electronic resources (Ellis, Ginns, & Piggot, 2009; Harandi, 2015; Sangrà, Vlachopoulos, & Cabrera, 2012) and Distance Education (Tagoe & Abakah, 2014; Asabere & Enugah, 2012; Sampong, 2009; Brakel & Chisenga, 2003; Van Brakel & Chisenga, 2003).

The above-mentioned modes of education, when adapted in tertiary institutions, leads to tremendous results such as (Asabere, 2013):

  • Enhancing interaction between instructors (lecturers) and learners or students

  • Students get the chance to be taught by highly qualified lecturers who are not within reach

  • Enabling lecturers and students to schedule their time very well.

  • Providing lecturers and students with a dynamic mode of teaching and learning.

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