Impact of Managers on Agricultural Business Success

Impact of Managers on Agricultural Business Success

Carla Sofia Vicente Negrão
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2020070108
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In an increasingly digital environment, it becomes a challenge for agricultural managers to achieve success, whether the enterprise uses e-business or not. The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of manager characteristics on the agricultural business success in Portugal. The sample consists of 393 agricultural enterprises. Hierarchical multiple regression was performed. The results suggest that increasing the age of agricultural managers reduces the agricultural business success. Furthermore, managers with university and primary education appear more motivated to success than the managers with secondary education. The joint effect of age and education is significant only when the enterprises use e-business. In this case, when managers have primary education, the aging of the manager translates into greater growth comparatively the one that has secondary education. University education of the manager provides less growth than when they have the secondary education.
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Literature Review

A review of the literature from 2000 to the present day was conducted. The scope of relevant literature is areas: information technology, economic, management, business and entrepreneurship.

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