ICTs, E-health, and Multidisciplinary Healthcare Teams: Promises and Challenges

ICTs, E-health, and Multidisciplinary Healthcare Teams: Promises and Challenges

Bolanle A. Olaniran
DOI: 10.4018/IJPHIM.2016070105
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This paper explores the role ICTs play in the multidisciplinary teams (MDTMs) in healthcare settings. The discussion addresses benefits and challenges of ICTs along with implications for MTDMs. For example, clarification between electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic medical records (EMRs) along with their impact on privacy was made. The paper offers certain suggestions on overcoming some of the challenges identified. Retchin's (2008) framework for inter-professional and co-managed care was presented. The framework focuses on how information communication technologies can impact overall patient health care and delivery.
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Icts And The Promises Of Multidisciplinary Healthcare Teams

Multidisciplinary care is referred to as an integrated team approach to healthcare, where relevant health care professionals evaluate treatment options and jointly develop a treatment plan for patients (Robertson, Li, O’Hara, & Hansen, 2010; Salerno, 2015; Scholl & Olaniran, 2013). For example, multidisciplinary teams can include surgeons, nutritionists, radiologists, pathologists, oncologists and social workers along with general practitioners or primary care physicians. Therefore, hospital physicians, and nurses may provide healthcare services either through office or home visits in collaboration with other healthcare providers including general practitioners with the aid of ICTs. ICTs facilitate the transfer of recorded data back to hospital environment (Salerno, 2015). Thus, ICTs represent the tools for increasing cooperation between different health professions across different settings and institutions, which in a way helps foster the active/interactive role by patients, caregivers and other entities in caregiving (Scholl & Olaniran, 2013; Stellato et al., 2015a, 2015b).

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