How Sustainable Marketing Strategies Apply Digital Economy Innovations in Cyber Marketing and Digital Communications for Colleges

How Sustainable Marketing Strategies Apply Digital Economy Innovations in Cyber Marketing and Digital Communications for Colleges

Darrell Norman Burrell, Aikyna Finch, Eugene J. M. Lewis, Maurice Dawson, Karen D. Bovell
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/IJIDE.2021040103
(Individual Articles)
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Cyber marketing, digital communications, and social media practices for branding and marketing purposes have allowed colleges and universities to engage in sustainable/green marketing. For colleges, this means reducing advertising, marketing, and promotions costs in conjunction with lessening previous environmental impacts of printing, paper waste, mailing brochures, and college recruiter travel and transportation. Digital economy innovations in cyber marketing create channels for advertising and promotion without the carbon footprint issues of previous recruiting approaches. This paper uses a content analysis of the literature to explore how sustainable marketing approaches apply digital economy innovations in cyber marketing and digital communications for student global student marketing and recruiting. The goal is to gain actionable and applied knowledge about how sustainable marketing strategies apply digital economy innovations in cyber marketing and digital communication can influence the world of practice.
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Marketing is the primary interface between any business and its customers, more specifically between universities and students. The critical factor in the interface between electronic marketing and social media is controlling the understanding of how to sustain its use as an essential prosperous marketing solution. Currently, within higher education many institutions lack the ability to relay online content to meet the needs of its users. Conceptually, the act of sustainment is a problem or too costly as online content is often misinterpreted or misunderstood (Kemper, Hall, & Ballantine, 2019). Institutions must be willing to adopt systematic change in order to compete with those academic centers that focus on the integration of technology and communication.

Marketing is a vital aspect to the business development of any organization that plans to become a success (Burrell, Burton, Lewis, Ezell, & Diperi, 2020). The growth if the “Internet of Things” has created a new digital economy. The use of digital economy cyber marketing innovations provides new approaches to creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers in such a way that both natural and human capital are preserved and enhanced throughout the life cycle of the process (Martin & Schouten, 2012). Promotion of the organization’s brand is how the public connects with the product or service that is being marketed. Colleges and universities in today’s digital economy must penetrate awareness of their target audiences by using an interactive marketing strategy (Burrell, Burton, Lewis, Ezell, & Diperi, 2020). Stated simply: the more ways in which the public hears about the institution, the better the chances are for achieving brand recognition, name recognition, credibility, trust, and greater market share (Burrell, Burton, Lewis, Ezell, & Diperi, 2020).

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