Healthcare Quality in the Pandemic Aftermath

Healthcare Quality in the Pandemic Aftermath

Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 4
DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.2020100102
(Individual Articles)
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The COVID-19 pandemic is putting massive stress on the formal training of healthcare professionals, their creed to do no harm, as well as the patient safety movement. So far, we have explicitly been teaching healthcare professionals that the best way of treating a patient is through its vicinity with multiple providers. Moreover, healthcare education requires a pack of health care workers from varied educational backgrounds and training levels for the nuances of a disease. However, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), a respiratory disease that has spread to many countries around the world, affects not only all aspects of daily life but also organizational culture and values of healthcare. In this context, COVID-19 introduced an exponential threat to the theory and practice of quality.
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