Global Supply Chain Management Conference

Global Supply Chain Management Conference

Durango Vasthu
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 2
DOI: 10.4018/ijrcm.2012010105
(Individual Articles)
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The 2011 annual ‘big event’ in the global supply chain industry was held in Philadelphia PA USA during the week of October 2-5. This event is organized each year, and is the official global meeting, for the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP, The conference featured risk-related topics ranging from inventory forecasting to reverse logistics planning in globally-impacted markets.
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Subject Matter Coverage

The content of the 2011 GSCM presentations featured a discussion of business issues in global supply chain management. There were examples of inventory forecasting models (EOQ, EQP), order processing queues, import/export logistics, transportation models, and optimization approaches.

Warehousing and distribution using various transportation and technology innovations were also available. Electronic extranet approaches for assembly and bill of materials was addressed to some extent.

A few presentations took on a marketing flavor as they examined product/service design and manufacturing methodologies, as well they discussed contemporary international partnership experiences.

There was a performance oriented track which focused on measuring and metrics in the supply chain functions. Updated and new software modules were mentioned for operations production planning and scheduling. Quality assurance was discussed, along with legal issues.

Special topic presentations included reverse logistics, third party logistics models along with global logistics. The 2008 global financial crises was covered in this conference, which included a mentioning under the topics of financial uncertainty, natural disaster planning and terrorism impact assessment.

Technology innovation continues to be a major focus in the GSCM. Beyond what was mentioned above, this seminar included new developments such as Internet e-commerce application service providers, international human resources management, functional outsourcing, and global material tracking. Security was covered in both procurement as well as e-commerce systems.

Finally, there were several presentations about how the SCM certification process worked, and sessions provided by educational providers for SCM-related degrees that are available (including SCM concentrations in bachelor, masters, and doctorate level programs).

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