Generic Cabling of Intelligent Buildings Based on Ant Colony Algorithm

Generic Cabling of Intelligent Buildings Based on Ant Colony Algorithm

Yunlong Wang, Kueiming Lo
DOI: 10.4018/jssci.2011040104
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Generic cabling is a key component for multiplex cable wiring. It is one of the basic foundations of intelligent buildings. Using operation flow in generic cabling, the index constraints affecting generic cabling have been evolved in this paper. A mathematical model is built based on the ant colony algorithm with multiple constraints, and improvements were made on the original basis to extend the ant colony algorithm from the regular simple ant colony and structure to a multi-ant colony and structure. The equilibrium settlement of multiplex wiring is realized according to the introduction of the multi-ant colony model. The ant cycle model is combined to extend the optimization target from the local wiring path to the entire wiring path, and to solve the drawbacks existing in the regular ant colony algorithm and other search algorithms that take the local wiring path as the optimization target. The introduced retrospective algorithm make the ants avoid the path marked “invalid” in the subsequent search process and improves the search performance and convergence speed of the ant colony algorithm.
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Generic Cabling System

  • 1.

    According to the description of generic cabling, before a generic cabling project is started, it is necessary to clear the known conditions; in other words, these conditions are the input of the problem. And the following describes the analysis of the known conditions:

    • 1.

      Bridge: It is also known as cable track or cable ladder used to place cables. Before the generic cabling of a building, engineers can discover the situation of the bridges laid from the drawings of civil work; therefore, the spatial position of the bridge is one of the known conditions.

    • 2.

      Device: Before the generic cabling, the location of every subsystem has been preassigned, and the position of each device that belongs to the subsystem has been preassigned, too. Therefore, the spatial position of the device is another known condition.

    • 3.

      Connection group: Before the generic cabling, customers need to specify a number of connection groups (Flax, 1991), since different subsystems should be installed into different installations; this guarantees that there will be no interference between different subsystems. We can deal with a connection group as a device or a subsystem which will be presented as a node in the spatial net.

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