Fusion on Citrus Image Data from Cold Mirror Acquisition System

Fusion on Citrus Image Data from Cold Mirror Acquisition System

Peilin Li, Sang-Heon Lee, Hung-Yao Hsu
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/ijcvip.2012100102
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In this paper, an image fusion is presented to improve the citrus identification by filtering the incoming data from two cameras. The citrus image data has been photographed by using a portable bi-camera cold mirror acquisition system. The prototype of the customized fixture has been manufactured to position and align a classical cold mirror with two CCD cameras in relative kinematic position. The algorithmic registration on the pairwise images has been bypassed by both the spatial alignment of two cameras with recourse of software calibration and the triggering synchronization in temporal during the photographing. The pairwise frames have been fused by using the Daubechies wavelets decomposition filters. The pixel level fusion index rule is proposed to combine the low pass coefficients of the visible image and the low pass coefficients of the near-infrared image convoluted by the complementary of entropy filter from the visible low pass coefficients. In the study, the fused artifact color image and the non-fused color image have been processed and compared by some classification methods such as low dimensional projection, self-organizing map and the support vector machine.
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