Fusing Color and Texture Cues to Identify the Fruit Diseases Using Images

Fusing Color and Texture Cues to Identify the Fruit Diseases Using Images

Shiv Ram Dubey, Anand Singh Jalal
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/ijcvip.2014040104
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The economic and production losses in agricultural industry worldwide are due to the presence of diseases in the several kinds of fruits. In this paper, a method for the classification of fruit diseases is proposed and experimentally validated. The image processing based proposed approach is composed of the following main steps; in the first step K-Means clustering technique is used for the defect segmentation, in the second step color and textural cues are extracted and fused from the segmented image, and finally images are classified into one of the classes by using a Multi-class Support Vector Machine. The authors have considered diseases of apple as a test case and evaluated our approach for three types of apple diseases namely apple scab, apple blotch and apple rot and normal apples without diseases. The experimentation points out that the proposed fusion scheme can significantly support accurate detection and automatic classification of fruit diseases.
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Recognition system is a ‘grand challenge’ for the computer vision to achieve near human levels of recognition. In the agricultural sciences, images are the important source of data and information. To reproduce and report such data photography was the only method used in recent years. It is difficult to process or quantify the photographic data mathematically. Digital image analysis and image processing technology circumvent these problems based on the advances in computers and microelectronics associated with traditional photography. This tool helps to improve images from microscopic to telescopic visual range and offers a scope for their analysis. Monitoring of health and detection of diseases is critical in fruits and trees for sustainable agriculture. To the best of our knowledge, no sensor is available commercially for the real time assessment of trees health conditions. Scouting is the most widely used method for monitoring stress in trees, but it is expensive, time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Polymerase chain reaction which is a molecular technique used for the identification of fruit diseases but it requires detailed sampling and processing.

The various types of diseases on fruits determine the quality, quantity, and stability of yield. The diseases in fruits not only reduce the yield but also deteriorate the variety and its withdrawal from the cultivation. Early detection of disease and crop health can facilitate the control of fruit diseases through proper management approaches such as vector control through fungicide applications, disease-specific chemical applications and pesticide applications; and improved productivity. The classical approach for detection and identification of fruit diseases is based on the naked eye observation by experts. In some of the developing countries, consultation with experts is a time consuming and costly affair due to the distant locations of their availability.

Fruit diseases can cause significant losses in quality and yield appeared at the time of harvesting. For example, soybean rust (a fungal disease in soybeans) has caused a significant economic loss and just by removing 20% of the infection, the farmers may benefit with an approximately 11 million-dollar profit (Roberts et al., 2006). Some fruit diseases also infect other areas of the tree causing diseases of twigs, leaves and branches.

An early detection of fruit diseases can aid in decreasing such losses and can stop further spread of diseases. A lot of work has been done to automate the visual inspection of the fruits by machine vision with respect to size and color. However, detection of defects in the fruits using images is still problematic due to the natural variability of skin color in different types of fruits, high variance of defect types, and presence of stem/calyx. To know what control factors to consider next year to overcome similar losses, it is of great significance to analyze what is being observed. Some common diseases of apple fruits are apple scab, apple rot, and apple blotch (Hartman, 2010). Apple scabs are gray or brown corky spots. Apple rot infections produce slightly sunken, circular brown or black spots that may be covered by a red halo. Apple blotch is a fungal disease and appears on the surface of the fruit as dark, irregular or lobed edges.

In this paper, we introduce and experimentally evaluate a method for the classification of fruit diseases from images. The proposed method is composed of the following steps; in first step the infected part of fruit images are detected and segmented using K-Means clustering technique, in second step, some state-of-the-art color and texture features are extracted from the segmented image and fused to achieve the more discriminative characteristics, and finally, fruit diseases are classified using a Multi-class Support Vector Machine. We show the significance of using clustering technique for the disease segmentation and Multi-class Support Vector Machine as a classifier for the automatic classification of fruit diseases. In order to validate the proposed method, we have considered three types of the diseases in apple; apple blotch, apple rot and apple scab and also normal apples as test suite. The experimental results show that the proposed method can significantly achieve automatic detection and accurate classification of apple fruit diseases.

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