From “Set Plan” to “Horizon Europe”: Concept Evolution, Policies, and Innovation of Smart Cities in European Countries Across Three Development Programs From 2000 to 2027

From “Set Plan” to “Horizon Europe”: Concept Evolution, Policies, and Innovation of Smart Cities in European Countries Across Three Development Programs From 2000 to 2027

Giovanni Marinelli, Monica Pantaloni
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/IJUPSC.302128
(Individual Articles)
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This article outlines the evolutionary framework of disciplinary scientific research and its development in defining the Smart City concept and the main evaluation criteria of smartness and smart urbanism in Europe. Starting with the timeline of the three definitions of smartness, the study analyses the EU development programs and highlights the innovation introduced by European policies across three European programs: a) SET-Plan (2000-2006); b) Seventh Framework Program, FP7 (2007-2013); c) Horizon 2020 (2014-2020), tackles comparatively the implication of smart cities in European countries in term of policies and how to assess the smartness in these cities. The research concludes with some reflection about the role of the ‘Smart city’ paradigm in the next seventh-year program 2021-2027, and his contribution to building a theoretical basis to implement a 'smart urbanism’ concept and its applications in urban planning tools.
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2. Metodology

Data have been taken from a selection of scientific papers, working papers, official documents edited by the European Union.

In the 48 studies screened 14 are books, 20 scientific papers, 7 EU documents.

It was conducted a comparative study of the three most significantly article (cited above) in a selected period from 2007 to 2014 that investigates the meaning of the term ‘smart city’ with a different approach.

The criteria of selection are based on the fact that they were commissioned by the EU to strengthen the theoretical base for the development of EU smart city policies.

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