Extending the Technology Acceptance Model and Critical Success Factors Model to Predict the Use of Cloud Computing

Extending the Technology Acceptance Model and Critical Success Factors Model to Predict the Use of Cloud Computing

Hayel Ababneh
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2016070101
(Individual Articles)
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This study aims to extend the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in the context of using Cloud Computing. The hypothesized model is validated empirically using a sample collected from 307 valid responses. It synthesizes the Information System Success model and the TAM, to explain and predict the users' attitudes toward using Cloud Computing. It offers Cloud Computing Acceptance Model (CCAM) to be used for predicting the future implementation and actual usage of innovative business solutions. To examine the reliability and validity of the measurement model, the confirmatory factor analysis was performed whereas multiple regression analysis was conducted to evaluate the associations between the constructs in the proposed model. It concludes with the essentiality of establishing stronger organisational culture and building trust between users and new technology. Moreover, more attention to system and service quality is needed to assist users perceptions toward Cloud Computing usefulness and its ease of use which are crucial to for its success.
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Literature Review

Defining Cloud Computing

Cloud computing was narrowly defined by (Etro, 2009) as an “Internet-based technology through which information is stored in servers and provided as a service and on-demand to clients”. A broader definition was provided by (Alagoz et al., 2010) who stated that CC is “a remote, Internet-based computing, which provides shared resources, software, and information to computers and other devices on demand”. Similarly, (Armbrust et al., 2010) defined CC as “the applications delivered as services over the Internet and the hardware and systems software in the data centers that provide those services” whereas (Masiyev et al., 2012) defined it as an all-inclusive solution in which all computing resources (hardware, software, networking, storage, and so on) are provided rapidly to users as demand dictates. Summing up, CC can be identified as an internet-based technology that facilitates convenient, efficient, and ubiquitous computing resources when needed with low cost and with competent capabilities.

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

Based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) developed by (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975) in which persons’ behavioural intention to perform can be determined by personal attitude toward a particular act and subjective norms which are socially constructed. TAM extends TRA by including more variables that affect the intention to act. In its relation to information systems, TAM has explained how the intention to use it can be anticipated by analysing some factors such as the perceived level of benefits could be achieved (Perceived Usefulness) and the degree to which users perceive its easiness and effortless (Perceived Ease of Use).

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