Exploring the Inherent Growth of e-Tailing via e-Personalization and Technological Innovations

Exploring the Inherent Growth of e-Tailing via e-Personalization and Technological Innovations

Alan D. Smith
Copyright: © 2017 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/IJIDE.2017010102
(Individual Articles)
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It is the hope of essentially all e-tailers to deliver personalized and real-time communications to customers that are tailored to their interests, preferences, based on big data mining that customers will value over privacy concerns. The technology (e.g., interaction data from segmentation marketing, transactions data, and sophisticated analytics) should optimize the customer's journey through the array of brands via unique identifiers from customer's profiles that provide enrichment, not just enlargement, of each brand's value proposition. These interactions can vary from simple transactional e-mails to conversations with product experts and recommended selections based on previous purchases from a variety of websites. Through appropriate multivariate analyses and data-reduction techniques, the basic elements e-personalization, namely online purchasing behaviors, personalized communications, information retrieval services, degree of personal web presence, quality assurance of customer service, and the promotion of customization services, were found to be conceptually and statistically related to retailer benefits of e-personalization (e.g., increased buying and creates customer loyalty).
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