Explanation in OLAP Data Cubes

Explanation in OLAP Data Cubes

Rahhal Errattahi, Mohammed Fakir, Fatima Zahra Salmam
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/jitr.2014100105
(Individual Articles)
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OLAP is an important technology that offers a fast and interactive data navigation, it also provides tools to explore data cubes in order to extract interesting information from a multidimensional data structures. However, the OLAP exploration is done manually, without tools that could automatically extract relevant information from the cube. In addition OLAP is not capable of explaining relationships that could exist within data. This paper presents a new approach to coupling between data mining and online analytical processing. Its approach provides the explanation in OLAP data cubes by using the association rules between the inter-dimensional predicates. The mining process could be done by one of the two algorithms, Apriori and Fp-Growth, in which aggregate measures to calculate support and confidence are exploited. It also evaluates the interestingness of mined association rules according to the Lift criteria.
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2. General Notations

Letjitr.2014100105.m01 be a data cube with jitr.2014100105.m02 (jitr.2014100105.m03dimensionsjitr.2014100105.m04, and a non empty set of measuresjitr.2014100105.m05.jitr.2014100105.m06 is the set of hierarchical level belong to the dimensionjitr.2014100105.m07, jitr.2014100105.m08 is thejitr.2014100105.m09 hierarchical level in jitr.2014100105.m10, For example in the Figure 1 the dimension storejitr.2014100105.m11 contain three hierarchical level: jitr.2014100105.m12store country, jitr.2014100105.m13store state and jitr.2014100105.m14store city.

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