Experimental Study of Location Spoofing and Identity Spoofing Attack in Internet of Things Network

Experimental Study of Location Spoofing and Identity Spoofing Attack in Internet of Things Network

Mihir Mehta, Kajal Patel
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/IJIIT.309587
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IoT devices are placed at open places, generally at where monitoring and controlling of devices from remote location is difficult. Location spoofing is a threat in which an intruder intentionally modifies the contextual information such as geolocation of a device. Location spoofed device will pass faulty data to the base station, and because of that, serious problems such as traffic jam in smart city application, machine malfunctioning in industry application can take place. So decision making in IoT applications to determine correctness of contextual information is a prime concern for smooth functioning of networks. Identity spoofing is a threat in which an attacker captures the identity information of a legal device and can misuse this stolen information for performing various cyber threats such as MITM, key stolen, and replay. The authors have simulated these attacks in Cooja simulator and investigated the performance of the network in the presence of these attacks. The conclusion is that these attacks affect network performance in an adverse way.
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Security is a prime concern for Internet of Things networks. IoT is a collection of distinct types of connected devices; in which they can do exchange of the data as well as computational tasks. IoT networks have constraints of storage capacity, processing power and battery power. Because of that, conventional security explanations can not be applied to the IoT networks. IoT networks are always preferable to an intruder for performing various cyber-attacks as they lack standards, policies and are directly associated with the network. It is predicted in a recent Gartner report, almost 20 billion devices will be part of the IoT network in 2022. (H. Kim, 2017). This report signifies the usage of IoT networks into various applications. Currently, we can find out different applications of IoT in the area of health monitoring, smart farming, environment monitoring and so on. So, if there is no proper security applied to the network; then it will be of no benefit to society.

Various researchers have studied in detail regarding the importance of IoT security and different security threats to an IoT Architecture. However; there is no significant work which focuses on the impact of Location Spoofing and Identity Spoofing attacks on the performance of the network. Location is a very important parameter for taking a decision into the IoT application like Military and Industry. When we deploy the devices into the network, they are open to all. Anyone can access that location or device. So, if an intruder intentionally captures an IoT device and changes its location; then the device will sense the wrong data and also transfer this wrong sensed information to the base station. In this way, an attacker can launch the Physical attack like location spoofing attack and changing the distance attack. So, when the device connects with the base station or server, before making any decision; it is very much necessary to verify its location related context information. Geolocation is a key feature in an IoT network, as based on that network can provide various services to the users. In many applications, IoT devices are a fixed part of the network and movement of that device by an intruder from one place to another place can launch the attack into the network. Example: If an intruder changes the sensors’ location measuring speed at roadside beyond awareness of the base control station, the base control center will investigate statistics analogous to a dishonest location. Such kinds of planned or unplanned activity may launch the attack and can disturb the well-planned transits system by initiating traffic-jam and accidents. (M. Wazid, 2018). Identity Spoofing is an attack in which an intruder steals legal device’s identity information and misuses that information for performing Man in the Middle attack or Masquerade attack. It has been observed in recent research work that an IP Spoofing attack is possible in the IoT network. IP address is the unique identity of the device when it connects to the network. To forward the data packets on the Physical link, MAC address is required. Because of that binding of IP address and MAC address is required. Both IP address and MAC address are very much important for identification purposes and for data delivery. Intruder can stick its own IP address to the victims’ MAC address. In this way, an attacker can direct all the traffic towards itself. We have implemented these both attacks in Cooja simulator and measure the changes into the performance of the system in the presence of attacks.

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