Enhancing Smart System Platforms: Factors Affecting People's Intentions Toward Smart Homes in Jordan

Enhancing Smart System Platforms: Factors Affecting People's Intentions Toward Smart Homes in Jordan

Mohammad Khasawneh
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/IJTHI.293202
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Smart systems are going to transform the social life of modern society. Notwithstanding the benefits of these systems, its use is still low in developing world including Jordan. This study aims to construct a novel model to identify the factors that affect people’s intention to use smart systems in their homes. A survey was conducted on 650 individuals among which 550 valid questionnaires were considered in Jordan. The collected data were analyzed for descriptive analysis and further to valid the hypothesis using Structural Equation Modeling. The findings showed that there is a significant relationship between individuals’ attitudes related to PU and PEOU with their intention toward using smart systems in their lifestyle. It indicated that the research model explains 68.6% of the variance in the individual’s intention to use smart systems in their residence. Practically, it fruitful to the top management of IT companies that offers smart systems. Moreover, enhancing the current systems and organizing a strategic plan for implementation within best practice.
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In recent times, technologies were increasingly developed and spread in many fields of our life, the word “Smart” has become most popular which improve and accelerate our daily activities. It is known that many technologies are affecting new style of our life such as sensors, actuators, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Middleware, wireless communications protocols, and others, together with the technologies and theories such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and distributed computing which consider the most potentially industrial revolution over information era (Atzori et al., 2010). Consequently, these technologies are predicted to support a sustainable evolution of smart cities in the future (Atzori et al., 2010).

Recently, IoT which is considered as one of the most important technology defined as a global network that connected many devices uniquely addressable, based on standard communication protocols (Hutchison & Charlesworth, 2011). IoT, however, consists of three major elements; Hardware, Middleware, and Interface. The first element is the device itself such as microprocessor, sensors, or any communication hardware. Middleware is an intermediate software that helps developers to develop their applications in an ease way without distraction from complexity of various technologies. Lastly, Interface support end-users in a simple and easy presentation to use the applications in the best way (Gubbia et al., 2013). Consequently, IoT applications were classified into three dimensions; personal applications, enterprise applications, and utility applications (Gubbia et al., 2013). Certainly, mobile applications expand across all dimensions due to their kind of connectivity, flexibility, and scalability (Miorandi et al., 2012; Gubbia et al., 2013).

As one of the main crucial dimensions in IoT, smart buildings including smart home systems which deliver services to individuals through connected devices and applications to the Internet technology (Alaa et al., 2017). It has been changed the individual’s lifestyle by connecting every device to the Internet all the time (Samuel, 2016). Consequently, smart building systems are a set of devices such as domestic appliances and buildings equipment connected with a communications network and Internet, supported by linking sensors, applications, and related technologies, that can be remotely monitored, accessed, or controlled and which provide services that respond to the needs of its inhabitants (Balta-Ozkan et al., 2014).

Nowadays, almost all the control applications of smart building devices have fixed rules and procedures, this means a rigid and complicated way to be changed, so the individuals could not have convenient smart buildings services in their complex (Xu et al., 2016). In context, AI and neural networks can learn individuals living habits, thus, provides convenient and appropriate using smart buildings services with ongoing improvements (Schmidhuber, 2015). The main features of smart buildings through using AI systems are; the integration of connected devices, awareness of individual’s needs of it, individuals adaptive of using it, customization of devices related to the individual’s needs, and predict individuals’ needs without external intervention. Therefore, the main characteristics of smart systems based on AI are embedded, by integrating the connected devices to the environment; context-aware, the inhabitants’ context can be recognized by the devices; personalized, the smart systems can be customized according to inhabitants’ needs; adaptive, the smart systems can adapt to inhabitants’ context; and anticipatory, the smart systems can predict inhabitants’ needs (Madakam et al., 2015).

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